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His Home

Waking up peacefully was never an option the next morning. Millie was to excited, she barley slept the last few hours while plans spun around in her mind.

She was careful to keep quiet when leaving Finn's bed earlier, though she was learning it would be hard to do so in the future if Finn always held onto her so tightly. Luckily for Millie he wouldn't wake up so easily after being up most of the night, unluckily for Finn she would be the one to interrupt his sleep.

Now almost two hours later Millie opened his door and returned quietly after showering and getting dressed. Finn was sprawled out on the bed sleeping still peacefully.

"You're sort of cute when you're asleep... sorry to ruin that." Millie spoke to herself while looking for a way to wake him up, maybe throwing a pillow at his face wasn't the brightest idea.

Finn groaned and turned over onto his side, his back now facing Millie. She gave an eye roll he obviously didn't see and huffed.

"Finn wake up." Millie climbed on the bed and began to shake him awake then like a toddler she stood and began to jump up and down.

"Millie... what the hell- quit it." Finn rolled on his back groggily to look up at her happy face. "Wake up sleepy head! I have plans for today!"

"What the fuck it's like seven am!" He eyed the clock on the nightstand and tried to close his eyes again.

"Hey! No more sleeping, we have to start early Get up come on!"


"But Finn-"

"No, I think you should go back to sleep with me." Without warning he kicked her ankles hard enough to make her trip and fall next to him.

"Ugh Finn! You moron! I just did my hair and makeup- hey stop it!" Millie couldn't hold back her giggles when Finn positioned himself on top of her and ran his fingers lightly up and down her hips.

"That tickles, stop it."

"Does it?" Finn smiled looking down at her, still tired but a look of awe filled his gaze.

"What's that look for?"

"Nothing, I just can't get over how beautiful you are..."

Millie felt a blush heat up her face for his compliment. She couldn't remember the last time anyone told her this without other intentions involved. Finn really meant it, he didn't expect anything else from her and that's what made his words so special.

"-even though you woke me up at an unspeakable hour of the morning. Now you're my pillow."

Finn buried his face in the crook of her neck nuzzling his nose against her soft skin.

"Nooo you have to get up. Finnie... please?" Millie begged. His head shot up fast, eyes wide looking at her in question.

"Finnie? Are you drunk Millie?"

"Excuse me? It's like seven in the morning, why the hell would I be drunk?"

"You have this thing about calling me Finnie when you're drunk, so I was just checking."

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