AM Conversations

694 16 16

His Home

"Millie that one is so beautiful!" Sadie squealed as her friend twirled around a few times to show off one of the nicer dresses she had bought today after lunch.

The one Millie was trying on now was mainly white but it had some black ruffle trim. It was an off the shoulder minidress with puffed sleeves. She proudly found a white pair of asymmetrical open toe heels to match.

She also had purchased an all black minidress that was a silk satin material. It was more open back with billowing sleeves.

The two girls had mostly shopped at the more casual boutiques, but Millie still loved to seek out the fancy designer dresses once an awhile.

The shop was rather expensive to be in that part of Hawkins, Millie had thought because most of the stores were full of pretty small and casual things.

Contrary to her parents who called them cheap and worthless Millie always loved the smaller stores. She found them beautiful and unique in their own way.

After changing into more comfortable clothes Sadie sat at one of the bar stools in Millie's kitchen while she made tea for herself.

"That was so nice of you to leave so much for that guy today Mills. I hope he uses it for something good." Sadie smiled.

"I'm not trying to sound like a snob Sads, but you and I both know one hundred isn't much for either of us. I don't need all the money I could have. What would I do with it? Whoever that person is needs it more than I ever will. It was only the least I could do."

"I will never understand how you have such rich rude shits like your parents, but you're... well you... No offense." Sadie grimaced.

"None taken... You know I'm not fond of my parents. I learned at a young age that they couldn't actually give a shit about me or what I want in life... if I ever denied to do something or went against them they would probably disown me." Millie spoke, but neither one of them could laugh.

Deep down Millie knew it was probably more of a true statement... Robert and Kelly would hate her if she ever threw dirt to the family name. This is why her siblings never had the courage to rebel or act differently. They didn't want to be frowned upon.

Somehow no matter how hard her parents would hammer the cold thoughts into Millie's head she had always grown up with an extremely kind heart. She would drop everything if needed to help anyone with anything.

After a few minutes of silence Millie spoke up again. "Can we talk about something else? I really don't want to talk about my shitty family life more than necessary..."

"Of course Mills." Sadie changed the topic quickly and the girls went on about anything that came to mind for the next few hours until the time was almost 11:30pm.

The redhead said her good nights before heading down the elevator to her own home leaving Millie alone in the big suite for the night. It was almost to quiet for Millie's liking.

This place seemed bigger at night when it was dark and you were the only person here, but as fate had set it Millie was not meant to spend the night alone tonight...


Millie had been tossing and turning in bed for almost an hour now with no luck of getting comfortable enough to fall asleep.

His Home | Fillie Where stories live. Discover now