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His Home

One Week later

"Do you really have to go?"

Millie sighed, losing count of how many times Finn had asked her the same question with different wording.

Seriously, she understood why he was upset, but he was starting to remind her of a little five year old boy now.

"I already told you what happens if I don't go, there's no other option right now."

She continued to sort through clothes for her suitcases why Finn made himself comfortable on her bed. He had been watching her back for the last two hours and she still didn't seem close to being finished.

"You're coming back right?"

He raised and eyebrow in the direction of the two suitcases that were already stuff full with clothes. How much did one person need for two weeks?

"Yes, yes. How many times must I confirm that?"

Finn knew she was only half listening, but that was still something he supposed.

"It will be so fucking boring here without you."

Millie rolled her eyes, only half playfully though. "Sadie will be around to entertain you."

"Not in the way I want entertained." Finn wiggled his brows now and Millie gasped. Finally, he drew her full attention even if it would only be for a few seconds.

"You pervert!" She grabbed the closest object she could reach to throw at him. It was a hairbrush that luckily, Finn dodged.

"You could have just killed me with that thing, you know."

"Good then I won't have to listen to you whine like you're two anymore."

"Can you blame me?" Millie was so preoccupied with packing she didn't hear him come up behind her. She almost yelped in surprise when his arms came around her waist.

She leaned back against him almost immediately, eyes glued on two dresses hanging from her closet door.

"Which dress should I take out of these two?"

One was extremely short, black, and had an open back. The other was still black, with thin straps, but went to the knees in the front and to the floor in the back.

"Will Jacob be around much?"

"Unfortunately, yes."

"The longer one." Finn answered almost immediately after that. Millie rolled her eyes at his obvious jealousy but didn't comment on it. It was understandable. Finn wasn't arguing with her about this whole thing even though she could tell he hated the idea of it. Millie was thankful for this, it made things just a little easier.

"Don't be jealous when you have no reason to be." Millie grinned.

"I don't want him to touch you, I don't even want him near you."

His Home | Fillie Where stories live. Discover now