Comfort in Truth

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His Home

Finn couldn't help the smile that overtook his face while he watched Millie dance to the Taylor Swift song the best she could while driving down the road.

Sadie had practically begged Millie to hang out with her and Caleb today claiming she might need a wing women to help her out. Millie knew that wasn't the case, from what she was hearing Caleb and Sadie would probably be a new and happy couple soon.

"So why am I coming with you again?"

Millie sighed, turning down the music. "Because I don't want to be a third wheel and I know that's exactly what I would be if it was just me."

Finn nodded. "Why didn't you ask that Noah guy she keeps pushing to set you up with?" He asked next, trying not to let the slight bitterness show in his voice.

"I have a lunch date with him this afternoon so I didn't want to ask him to join this morning too." Millie shrugged.

Again, he felt it the pang of jealousy in his chest, the way he didn't want Millie to be around that guy... so he tried to change topics.

"Sadie doesn't seem like the type to need help finding a good relationship." He chuckled.

"Nope." Finn noticed how she didn't find it funny or even manage to crack a smile for that matter and this is when the atmosphere suddenly shifted.

"Hey... you ok?

Millie sighed. "I guess I just feel... jealous and I don't know Finn... I hate myself for it."

"Jealous of Sadie? Why would you be-" His eyes widened at some sudden realization.

"Do you like Caleb?" He really hoped God would hear his silent prayer for her to answer no and not just for Sadie's sake, but his own.

"Of course not! Not like that, I mean! Finn you bloody idiot! I wouldn't do that to my friend!" She reached over to slap his shoulder hearing a loud "Ow!" in return.

"So what's the matter?" He wondered if she realized how hard she could hit someone while trying to rub the small sensation of pain away.

Millie shook her head hesitant to answer. "It's just... it seems so easy for her." She gripped the steering wheel tighter in attempt to try and stop the tears from falling that were pooling in her eyes now.

Finn of course was trying to figure out what was making Millie so upset about Sadie and Caleb.

"What is easy for her?"

"It's easy for her... to be happy." Millie sniffed, the constant reminder of her life to come playing on a loop. Sadie wasn't trapped like the brunette was. She wasn't trapped in a marriage contract she didn't want to be apart of, or being forced to marry a man who she did not love and who did not love nor care for her...

Sadie wasn't trapped with two parents who didn't care about her happiness or what she wanted out of life, and she didn't have self centered and unloving siblings either who never cared to see her or ask how she was doing...

But, Finn would not understand any of this though because he still didn't know and Millie, deep down was scared of telling him. She was scared of breaking in front of him and letting him see the real her who was just a broken girl waiting to be trapped in a future she did not want.

His Home | Fillie Where stories live. Discover now