Trapped In Her Own

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His Home

"Alright, now your hips Miss Brown." Natalia scribbled Millie's bust measurements on a notepad before wrapping the tape measure around her hips.

"I had packed a dress to wear to the ball..." Millie muttered. She wanted to wear the black one Finn picked out.

"Now you know your parents would not approve Miss Brown, they already told me what they wanted you to wear. I drew the rough sketch yesterday and now I just need your measurements so I can get everything right."

When she saw Millie try and hide her disappointment in the mirrors Natalia smiled and leaned closer to her.

"Of course, that's never stopped you from rebelling before now has it?"

Millie smiled small in the mirrors, "No, I suppose not."

"Hm," Natalia hummed and winked at the brunette. She had become fond of Millie quickly after she came to work for the Brown's. She admired Millie's rebellious spirit and courage to go against her parents.

Natalia Dyer had become another friend of Millie's. She was the Brown family designer, always providing the dresses and suits the family wore for big events.

It had been two days since Millie arrived. Ava would arrive later today. It was the twenty-eighth of May. The ball room was being prepared and decorated for the first of June.

"Tell me about Hawkins Millie. Is it nice there?" There was no one else in the room so Natalia finally dropped the formalities.

"I love it there Nat. The city is so pretty and I've met some really great people. My best friend, her name is Sadie..."

Millie proceeded to tell Natalia about Hawkins and all about her redheaded friend. She talked about Caleb and even mentioned Noah a few times. Although she left out the one person she was dying to talk about, debating if she should.

The room had been silent for the past few minutes now, except for Natalia scribbling extra notes in her note pad. Millie bit her lip in thought.



Millie turned to face the older girl. "I meant someone... in Hawkins."

Natalia looked up towards Millie who was now trying to hide a smile and had a certain light in her eyes that wasn't there before.

She raised a brow, "Would this someone be a boy perhaps?"

"His name is Finn!" Millie practically burst with excitement as she started to talk about him. She filled Natalia in on most everything. Natalie just smiled and set her notepad down so she could listen properly. Millie looked so happy talking about Finn, happier than Natalia had ever seen her before.

It warmed her heart when she heard about how Millie took him in off the streets. It was a like a final comfort, Millie was in no way like her parents. She was a kind and pure soul, this Finn was very lucky.

"Oh Millie he sounds wonderful."

"It's only been two days and I miss him so much Nat. Sadie teases us and says we are to clingy and maybe we are, but I just— I don't care. I wish I could be there with him instead of here..."

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