Story 3: Chapter 8

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"No Uma, neither you or Mal will lay eggs. Magical shifters! Remember!" I huff, I rub my hand against my head. The boys have yet to arrive and in that time not only did I have to explain ruts and heats, I had to use myself and my brother as examples, and then I had to go over pregnancy functions. 

"I shouldn't get paid for this? Don't you mothers tell you anything?" I huff. Before they could reply a thump hits the window, my eyes shoot over to it only too a wood plank. Soon enough every window and door is being blocked off. I felt the air leave my lunges as the light fades from the house. It was getting tight, too tight.

I try to keep my breathing calm but every thump makes my heart race faster and faster knowing that I'm only getting more closed in with each one. I pull off my coat to try to give myself some air but I only back myself in a corner. Fear grabs me by the throat and I do something I haven't done since I was a child. 

"WYATT!" I howl, I press my back to the nearest wall. "WYATT!" I howl some more. I sob when I don't hear him call back, "WYATT!" I wail. The voices around me become slurred but I can tell they're all panicked. I sink to the floor instincts kick in and I feel the shift start to take root, "WYATT!" I howl again, hoping, begging for him to come find me. 

However a light comes into few, it felt like whip lash to suddenly breath again as I can see the outside. I take deep breaths trying to calm myself, I look around and I find my coat not too far away. With out a second thought I reach over and snatch it up, I wrap myself in it quickly before pulling up the hood to block my face.

There are whispers around me but I don't care to listen as I desperately try to compose myself. I bring my knees to my chest and sink my head into my arms. It's quiet now, so quiet. That is until thundering footsteps break the air, "BLAIR!" A cry calls. I suck in a breath at the voice, "Wyatt?" I whimper. More thundering footsteps follow until arms are being wrapped tightly around me.

"Hey everything is going to be okay," He whispers, I nod my head mutely as I trust his words blindly. "Let's get you outside huh?" He questions softly before lifting me into his arms. I burry my head into his chest inhaling it's familiar scent and let it comfort me.

I feel myself grow a bit lighter when I feel direct sunlight, there are soft whispers around me but Wyatt carries me away from them. I pull my head away when I feel the soft grass around me. "Relax, just feel the ground. Breathe in the air Blair. This is where you belong, out here where it's open and free." Wyatt whispers. "Open and Free," I repeat soothingly, "That's it baby sister, just relax." He continues to sooth. "Silas wants to come over, is that okay?" He questions, I nod my head and a second later a warm body is on top of me. 

"Hello jungle cub," I whisper, "Is this what you meant in the limo?" He questions. "Yeah, we all get scared sometimes. I almost shifted in that house with everyone in it. It's dangerous to cage a..." I trail off and look at Wyatt. He nods encouragingly, "It's dangerous to cage an animal," I finish with a small smile. 

"When are you going to be better?" He questions, "Well I'm better right now." I smile and slowly sit up. "And I think we have a crazy princess to find to lets get moving," I grin over to Wyatt. Wyatt stands before helping me up and we walk back over to the group. I sent them a small smile as they looked at me worriedly. "You okay girl, you almost wolfed out on us in there." Uma questions, "Yeah, I'm good." I nod.

"Well I'm not, do you know how terrifying it is to watch your brother take on a beast then go feral on the rest of us because he had a gut feeling something was wrong with you." Harry rants. "Right, I forgot you can do that." I groan, "Oh great another thing we don't know about." Mal groans, Wyatt looks at me questionably. "I gave them a crash course on shifter abilities and genetics. And speaking of shifters..." I smirk and turn to Ben. "Congrats my king on your first shift." I grin, "Uhh thanks?" He questions looking over at Mal.

"What all did you tell them?" Wyatt questions, "Unfortunately dear brother, everything." I sighs. Wyatt choked on air, "Everything! Even..." He stops before giving me a look. "Everything." I confirm slowly. Wyatt lets out a groan, "What are you moaning about, I'm the one that had to tell them!" I huff throwing my hands in the air. 

"Tell them about what? How comes they get to know about shifters before I do!" Silas complains. "Not now!" Wyatt and I spoke together, "Uhh, so what's this special bond with you Wyatt has?" Uma questions. "You know what! Once we get this settled I'll gather everyone who wants to know and give a whole class on it. And if you want to learn to shift better! Wyatt and I will teach you. As long as you guys just DROP IT!" I bark.

"deal," Uma and Mal spoke together, I give Wyatt a look. "I swear to go Wyatt I'll kill them," I groan. "Easy baby sister, That royalty right there." Wyatt spoke lowly, "Yeah and so are we. your point?" I scoff. "Another time," He pats my shoulders. "So, let's get this show on the road shall we," Wyatt announces. 

"To the fairy cottage it is," Mal announces and just like that we're off.

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