Story 1: Chapter 2

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Today was the day, today is the day things are changing. I pull on my dress, shoes, ears, and tail before I slipped on my father's coat. I smile proudly as I flip on the hood. Looking over myself I can't help but let a smile grow.

I grab my bag and pull it down the stairs, at the door was my father he crossed his arms with an unhappy expression. When I came into view I saw his lips twitch up, a certain proudness sparking in his eyes. I smile and I open my arms for a hug, I didn't actually expect one but it wouldn't hurt to try. I'm thoroughly surprised when he hugged me, don't miss the chance I wrap my arms around him tightly. Take a deep breath I got a whiff of the woodland smell off of him, I do my best to engrave the smell in my memory.

I frown when he let go, but I knew it was time to go. I take my bag out to the limo where the boys where checking it out, I watch completely unamused as Jay stole the hood décor off the front of it. I roll my eyes and put my bag in the truck before the driver opened the door for us. I enter behind Mal and Evie. In the long car Mal and Evie sat in front part while Jay, Carlos, and I took the side.

As we sat down I felt a sheer bolt of panic when I see the boys light up at all the food. As soon as we started moving they both dove for what ever they could get their hands on. I dodge their fighting movements with a annoyed eye roll as I look out the window. Then something suddenly smacked against my face. I felt anger flare in my chest, my eyes glazed yellow and I felt my claws grow out. I dig my claws into my palm and fangs into my lip to keep myself from shifting.

I growl at the two boys, but my fearful tension is broken by mal who hit a button and opened a window behind her. You could see the driver and where he was driving and we all saw we were going over the edge of the bridge. We all screamed and I held on to the closest thing to me and held on tight,  Until we realized we weren't dead yet and we opened our eyes.

A magic golden bridge appeared as we exited the magic barrier. Mal looked at the button in her hand then at the driver. "Hey did this button open up the magic barrier" she asked holding it up. While she was talking to him I realize who I was holding on to. My eyes widen and I look up at Carlos who was almost in Jay's lap.

I scoff and let go, he noticed the lack of pressure when I let go and looked at me his wide eyes before fully climbing in Jay's lap. Jay then looked at him and scoffed before shoving him back into his seat. Carlos scooted as far away from me as he could watching me carefully as if I would attack him at any given moment.

I sit straight in my seat again and threw my right leg over left and crossed my arms. I popped a cherry loli pop in my mouth, one that had been tossed around in the seat when the two boys started tossing candy around, and blankly stared at what was left of the candy before us.

The ride was smooth except for Carlos and Jay would fight over everything one another had that the other didn't. I was almost asleep when music and cheering rung threw my ears. With all that plus Jay and Carlos my sensitive ears are going to bust. My annoyance level is at it limits and I'm about ready to toss someone through a window. When we came to a stop and the door opened Carlos and Jay where the first ones out fighting over something. Then Mal, then Evie, then me.

Everyone grew quiet as Jay and Carlos made a scene. When I stepped out I saw Jay had pinned Carlos to the ground. Once again my yellow eyes flashed under my hood, they're childish behavior causing sparks of aggravation to grow in me. At the flash of my eyes everyone too a step back, I scoff and kicked Jay's feet from under him making him fall.

I cross my arms and look back at the crowd and all eyes seem to be on me. I roll my eyes again, not that they could see me do it, and turned away to find something else to look at. There are tree's every where and I couldn't help but feel a child like excitement spark in me.

Soon Carlos and Jay's bickering stopped and I turned back to the conversation. A boy and a girl that clung to him along with woman stood before us. The boy introduced him self as Ben and the others then shook hands with Evie, Carlos who got chocolate over his hand, then Jay who punched him. He then turns to me and held out his hand I look at his hand then away.

Mal elbowed me in the side and I growled then roughly shook his hand "you know you should take your hood down so everyone can see your face... " he said leaving a gap hinting for my name. I ignore him and turn away "Blair," Evie spoke for me. Ben nods before moving to Mal who seemed interested in him as the talk went on it grew a little flirty and little miss sleep beauty didn't seem to pleased.

When we were going to walk off a guy in a red hoodie and baby blue jeans ran over to Ben. He started ranting on how he was late to meet us and was apologizing. I scoff and that seemed to get his attention as his blue eyes fell on me and he cut off his rant with an "Oh my big bad wolf," the gangs eyes fell on me as he spoke.

Ben placed his hands on his shoulders "Guys, this Hunter son of red riding hood" he smiled. He had bright blond hair and pale skin with blue eyes. The gang introduced them selves but I stayed quiet. This is the boy dad wanted me to stay away from. "And this is Blair daughter of the big bad" mal said carelessly, but I can see the spark of strife in her eyes. Hunter's eyes widen then narrowed his eyes at me trying to peak under my hood.

Evie hit the back of my head, A pulse of anger pushed through me and my eyes flashed yellow. Hunter, Ben, and Audrey jumped. A growl rips from my throat and I tare down my hood. The four people who where leading us had shocked expressions. My black hair with ear clips, tan skin, red lips, and dark onyx eyes are probably what they were not expecting to see. I see hunter go a little red, his cheeks flush and his eye shoot in a different direction

I roll my eyes "If you mind I think it's time to continue. It would be a shame if we can't get our dorms before dark" I sigh and cross my arms. "you can sleep with me" hunter blurted. All eyes snapped to him before fairy god mother smacked him with a ruler and he ran off with a yelp.

After he was out of sight Mal, Evie, and Jay laughed at me. But Carlos didn't, he seemed a little upset at the comment. After the laughter died we where lead into the building where we met Doug who made a very obvious sign of crushing on Evie before we finally got to our rooms to settle.

status: Edited

New Word Count: 1335

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