Story 1: Chapter 3

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We didn't even rest a day before we started a plan to take the wand, not mention our faithful leader stated we where doing it that night. I growled irritated as I watch them all plan and I sat back in my chair.

"you know you could help" mal snaps, "I'd rather not besides you all got this under control" I said waving her off. As if she would actually let me help, her mother made her such a control freak.  "Do we really have to do this tonight? We just got here and I'd like to rest and get a better view of my surroundings" I said looking at her.

"No we can't, the sooner we get the wand the sooner we get out. You'll have plenty of time to satisfy your wolfly needs after we take over the world" she said looking back at her papers. "You make it sound like I'm an animal" I snarl, "Well in a way you are" she said absent mindedly. My eyes glow yellow for the hundredth time today, "shut up!" I snap before standing and walking out the room. I walk back to my dorm which I thankful didn't have to share sense the fairy god mother knew of my certain ability and short fuse she said it would be safer if I didn't share.

I was grateful and angry at the same time. I'm not some monster that should be isolated. Everyone always said that on the isle and I refuse to be labeled like that. I sat on my ugly pink bed and played with a moon pendent I wore. It changes phases in sync with the moon and tonight was a full moon as the stone was a beautiful glowing white.

I laid back on my bed until I herd a knock on the door, I scoff and flung open the door. To my surprise it was Carlos he looked nervous and played with his hands, "what do you need Carlos?" I ask. I wasn't annoyed or angry, but it sounded like it. "Mal wants you to come back we're about to leave and she said she needs you." he stutters. I let out a short mocking laugh "she should have thought of that before she called me an animal" I said angrily before shutting the door in his face.

I change into some sleep clothes before hanging up my dress and coat. I was royally mad at Mal and I just wanted to sleep and that is exactly what I did.


The next morning I took a shower and changed before grabbing my books and pulling up my hood as I leave my room. I walk down the halls to breakfast and quickly ate. I avoided mal and the gang as much as I could through out the day.

Until after chemistry where I had to go to my locker which was right by mal. I quickly rush over and opened it, ignoring her spray paint that spreads onto my locker, I took what I needed and left before mal could say anything to me.

Mal's pov

Just like that she came and left and just my luck Ben had saw the hole interaction. "what's her problem it seems like she's avoiding you" he asked.

I laugh dryly "that's because she is. I said something I shouldn't have and now she's upset." I sigh running a hand threw my hair. "well what did you say to her" he asked butting into the problem. "I called her an animal which is an extreme no-no with the wolves" I said, mocking the whole situation.

"why would you call her that? I mean I know she's the big bad wolf's daughter but..." he said he looked upset and trying to understand the problem . I laugh at his expression "Do you even know the wolves are capable of doing?" I ask he looked puzzled and had no idea what I was talking about.

"Blair and her dad can shift into a giant wolf at will, she doesn't do it much because when she does all her clothes are gone when she turns back. People at the isle called her a animal and said she and her father should be caged up" I explain.

His eyes widen and dart to the direction she took off in. "well are you going to apologize?" he asked hurriedly. I sigh we did need her "yeah," I mumble before catching Jane walk into the bathroom after she spotted me.

I chase after her in the bathroom. Blair could wait I need to get the wand first.

Blair's pov
I walk to the locker room and change into a male uniform and pads to hide my female figure. I walk on the tourney field and warm up. The coach who didn't know my name yelled my number and put me on the opposite team as jay.

I smirk under my helmet and played defense. I'm not much of a team players, but I'm not really being a team player in this position all I have to do is make sure to catch the people before they meet the goal. I watch Jay mow my team down before heading my direction. I smirk as he charged he came right at me and at the last moment I ducked down and launched up knocking him off his feet and losing possession of the ball.

I scoop up the ball and throwing it the air before swinging my stick like a bat and hitting it all the way across the field into the goal. The coach gaps at me and so does Jay His eyes widen in realization "really?" he groans and he lays back down across the grass "I may be a Lone Wolf but even I know what teamwork is" I sneer.

I looks at me surprised but doesn't make a move. The coach then runs up to me "you what's your name" he demanded "someone who just likes to play for fun, Someone you wouldn't allow on the team" I shrug before taking off my helmet.

The boys gasp as they see me "how did-" Chad gaps, "pads" I answer with a laugh. "This isn't  right. Its against the rules" the coach spoke angrily. I scoff "I'm a villain we don't play by the rules, if I want to do something I'm going to do it" I snap at him.

Before he could say something I cut him off "Besides I wonder what would have happened if Mulan played by the rules." I snip before walking back to the locker rooms to change. When I came back no one said a word, but I was stopped by the coach "since your clearly athletic and another villain kid could you train Carlos? He's lacking and I already asked Ben to help but I think another Isle kid will help." he asked.

I shrugged "sure just don't ask for anymore favors, I'm only doing this because he's another isle kid." I said before pulling my hood up to go find Ben so we can start. What I found instead is Evie, who was off in dreamland, with her name and Chad's name in hearts all around her binder. but the real kicker is the two sets of the same homework, One that had Chad's name on it. I growl and snatch the paper about to rip it up.

"HEY" Evie yells, She quickly took it back before I could make a single tear. "Why you don't need a guy like Chad Evie? Is he making you his homework? I'll rip him apart if he is." I growl, "No I offered!" she defended.

"Evie I know your smarter than this," I sigh, giving her my best disappointed look I can muster, she ignores me and goes on and on about how great Chad is. I scoff "Pull your self together! When will you see you don't need a guy to make yourself feel better about your self!" I snap before walking away.

It's time to find Ben

Status: Edited

New Word Count: 1353

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