Story 1: Chapter 4

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I wonder around a little while longer when I finally found Ben, turns out he was looking for me too. So we both head to the field and get ready to train Carlos in sprints. He starts out good but all madness breaks loose when he's chased by a dog. Ben and I chase after them both, they end up running threw the woods until Carlos thought it would be a bright idea to hide in a tree.

Turns out wasn't a bright idea he cornered himself. I growl at the dog to back down, which he does, and Ben picks him up. Carlos then rants on about him being a dangerous pack animal and that he could rip his throat me 'like Blair' he said. I felt a sharp pang in my chest when he said that. I didn't want to risk hearing anymore so I walked off. Not long after Ben came running up to me and puts a hand on my shoulder.

"You know your not an animal right?" he said, I laughed but not in a humorous way it's more of a dry and unamused one. "Tell that to Mal and Carlos" I spoke bitterly, I liked them the most out of everyone in our group and all they see me as is an animal.

"you mean Mal didn't apologize" he questions in a gasp. His confusion sparks a laugh in me,  "Are you sure we're talking about the same mal?" I muse. He frowns at me, "No need to show pity your highness, I got it easy back on the island. My dad cares for me a lot more than the other's parents. Something everyone on the island hated me for." I muse with a small smile as we both walk along the dirt the path. I stare above us at the trees and breath deeply savoring the smell of the forest. 

"But you were called an animal and they wanted to lock you up." he mutters,  I stiffen and let out a defensive snarl.  "How do you know about that?" I ask aggressively, He puts his hands up in surrender then took a step back "Mal told me. I guess sense you have that pleasure it causes a whole different set of problems" he spoke softly.

"I guess" shrug waving off the conversation, by then we made it back to the field. "Hey Blair" I hear Ben yell. I look over my shoulder to see him run back over to me "we're going to have parents day soon, then my coronation." he said. I raise my eye brow, not that he could see it. "coronation?" I question, "what's that?" I ask. He smiles sheepishly "It's where the fairy god mother blesses me with her wand when I become king" he smiles.

"That would be a sight to see" I laugh, "well the whole school goes you and the other will get to see from the top floor" he spoke with a grin. I nod "who's up front your mom and girlfriend?" I tease. He shook his head "No they'll be up there with me my girlfriend and some Royals will be upfront" I nod taking in the new information. "well I'll be happy see our king get blessed by the great and powerful fairy wand" I said over dramatically but in a playful way.

He laughs and walks away as do I.I walk to the boys dorm where I'm sure I can find Mal and the gang. When I get there I walk in without knocking and they all jump. I pull off my hood and roll my eyes. "Blair! look I'm sorry, I -" I held my hand up to shut Mal up. "Be quiet, it's not like you to apologize you can say your sorry by not calling me that again" I said harshly.

She nods and I continue to the middle of the room "how long till our goodness class" I ask them. Mal looked at the clock "ten minutes or so," she said "Good, The fairy god mother's wand is suppose to make an appearance when Ben gets crowd king. The problem: we are all going to be stuck on the top floor unless Mal or Evie becomes his girlfriend in which she will be in the vary front." I explain.

They all gap at me in surprise, "You act like I'm not evil" I scoff with a smug smile. "Well you don't act like it." Evie spoke up. I smirk and tap her nose "that's why I'm so good at it" I smirk, She laughs.

"let's get to class" I said raising my hood over my head. I stood up and exit the room. I make my way to class took a seat in the back. The class flew by fast and FG gave us a notice on parents day. After class we all headed to the dorms to wait till late so we can figure out some sort of love potion for Ben. I went to mal and Evie's room so I don't have to be by myself. Mal was flipping threw pages trying to find the best love spell.

While Evie was trying to make an outfit for me which I had no way to get out of, "so why can't you give the love spell to Ben?" Evie asked. I laughed "do you have any idea how my father would react if he saw me with Ben and Mal's mother would flip if I made the killing blow and not mal." I said holding still for her.

"I guess you have a point," she said taking my measurements. Once she was done she went to work on the outfit and I sat on the bed with mal. "You know I wish I didn't say that to you that night, we could have used you and that coat. There was a magic barrier around the wand and I think you could have been the only one to get past it" mal said.

I smirk "There's a lesson here and it's don't mess with a rouge wolf she, can do just as much alone as she can in a pack." I said smugly. She rolls her eyes until we found the best spell and it was late enough so we got the boys.

We made our way to the kitchen to start cooking those love cookies. As I was stirring Jay was telling me about his and Carlo's game tomorrow and how he was nervous and excited at the same time. Mal and Evie we're going over how we needed a human tear of sadness and she doesn't cry. Then Jay comments on how a tear is a tear but Evie went all nerdy on him and embarrassed him.

I sigh but smile at all them, a blissful home feeling clouding my chest. "That's great Jay but don't mess with Evie, what about you Carlos?" I ask not taking my eyes off my bowl but still listening. "yeah me too" Carlos smiled ,"Hey Blair can I try something?" he asked I nod my head not thinking any thing of it. Carlos walked over to me pulled my hood down and started to pet my head. My eyes widen and I drop my spoon Jay, Mal, and Evie crackled at my shocked expression.

"I'm not a pet Carlos" I growl taking out a new spoon and continue what I was doing. "yeah I know, it's just when I was scared of dogs I was also scared of you. I was afraid you'd bite me." he admits as he pulls his hand away.

I snort a laugh "Please, I'm more domestic than that. I only nipped at you to scare and tease you" I laugh. I watch Carlos's lips form a small pout "well it worked" he grumbled. All of a sudden Lonnie comes running through the doors, "oh mid night snack what you guys making?" she asked, "cookies" I said simply, while casually throwing a towel over Mal's spell book. Lonnie then reaches her hand in the bowl and scooped some up with her finger before popping it into her mouth.

We all screamed at her in panic, and all the said wasn't going to double dip. As soon as she pulled her finger now clean finger from her mouth we froze, "are you okay do you..... Feel anything?" I ask cautiously. She shook her head Jay went up to her and tries to flirt with her, "Is it missing anything?" I quip casually to cover up my last overly cautious question.  "Definitely the chips," she smiled, I give her a bewildered look "chips?" I question looking at the other for an answer to which they shrugged not knowing them selves.

"You know? The chocolate chips? Only THE most important ingredient in cookies" she said, but her smile flattens after each little sentence. "Oh sorry we don't usually get to make cookies on the isle" mal said sheepishly, "Well didn't your parents make them for you where they would make sure everything was perfect?" she asked her expression getting more and more sad after each word.

I broke out in a small confused laugh, "Parents do that? Not my dad the only thing he ever made me was slabs of cooked meat." I laugh, but you could tell Lonnie wasn't as amused. The face she gave us was pity, an expression that had all of us forming faces of self pity and sadness. at the look of our faces a tear slipped down Lonnie's face.

I was quick to lean forward and brush it away from her face and into the bowl, "Well we better finish up thanks for the tip Lonnie good night!" I said adding the chocolate chips. She smiles again and walked out. Once she was out we all looked at each other, I knew they probably convinced themselves they were acting but I knew. I could smell the sadness coming off of them in waves, but I didn't say a word about it and I didn't say another word for the rest of the night.

Status: Edited

New Word Count: 1695

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