Story 3: Chapter 10

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I woke up with a gasp, The room around me pink and the people around me concerned. The people around me...the person in front of me...Hades. I snarl and jump from my bed, I tackle him straight to the floor. "I will end you," I growl, "Wow just like your old man, but that's impossible to do." He chuckles. "Then I shall make this painful," I sneer pulling my hand back until I'm pulled up and off the floor.

"Let me go, I tear him piece from piece and do it all over again if I have to." I growl swinging at Hades from the grip that held me above the ground. "You will do no such thing Blair Wolf," The voice demands. At the sound of it my entire body goes limp, I take a moment to take in the scent, one of the forest. The one belonging to my father.

"Dad?" I whimper, "How's it been kiddo?" He chuckles. I felt my heat break into a million pieces, It hurt to twist around and hug him but I did. I soak up all I could from him, I soak up his warmth and scent all I could.

"It's okay kiddo, It'll be okay," He whispers as I sob into his shirt. "They can't be here for much longer. We have to take them back." A voice calls, I hold onto him harder. "Don't take him back, please don't him back." I beg. 

"Come on Blair, you gotta let go now," The cracked voice of my brother calls as he tries to pull me away. "I can't, I won't let them." I cry, "Blair you have to let go," Wyatt calls. I sob even harder as my father takes it upon himself to push me away, "It's okay kiddo, it'll be okay." He whispers. "Time to go, Prisoner." A guard calls, "DON'T YOU -DARE- CALL HIM THAT!" I snap. "BLAIR!" My father yelled shaking the whole room, I go limp in my brother's arms as even he goes weak at out father's tone.

"I'm going to leave willingly, don't make their job harder than it already is," He scolds softly. "Yes sir," I whimper, "That's a good girl. Now be good for your brother and Wyatt look out for you sister, Take care of each other understand me?" He questions, "Yes sir," we chime together. With another firm nod he left the room.

As soon as the door closed I felt the world around break open, I fell into sobs that left me completely useless. Wyatt only sat there to hold me as I cried my entire worth onto him. We spent days like that holed up in the room, Silas was the only one we allowed in and out as they pleased. He would come and stay with us, until we told him to go out and get some fresh air.

It went on like that until Mal and Ben's engagement party when Evie, Jay, and Carlos all broke in and demanded we go. It was taxing getting ready for these sort of things so my brother and I settled for our Formal commander uniforms. His matches mine in pattern and color but while he wore pants, I wore shorts and knee high boots.

So with our arms licked we showed up with stoic but polite faces as Silas stood in front of us in his tiger print suit

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So with our arms licked we showed up with stoic but polite faces as Silas stood in front of us in his tiger print suit. I stood as Ben made his speech and like always it's short and sweet. But then came Mal, who as she made her speech. She admitted to more things she ever has in one sitting. 

But what really caught everyone's attention was the fact that she wanted to bring the barrier down. My knees buckled and Wyatt had to catch me as people cheered, My head was fuzzy as it all became over whelming. 

I watch Mal take the Wand in her hand and I waited with baited breath, but her eyes land on me and Wyatt, she smiles and waves us up to join her before waving to the vks, the Original vks. Behind Mal I look at the Isle, Wyatt's arm is wrapped around my shoulder and he squeezed it comfortingly. 

"To make the future a better place, we have to do it face to face." We chant, a golden beam of light shot from the wand and hit the Isle. I felt light headed as I watch the barrier come down. The people around us cheer but pulled myself to stand on the rails. A bridge is slowly build and a spark of excitement started in my stomach. 

"What do you say Blair?" Wyatt calls, I look over to find him standing on the railing with me. "Last one to the Isle has to do Shifter lessons?" He grins, "Your on." I grin with my eyes glowing yellow.

I don't wait for a response as I jump from the railing and dart through the parting crowd. Wyatt and I race across the Bridge, but unexpectedly we meet  someone already standing at the gates. "DAD!" Wyatt and I scream, as we forget about the competition we charge at out father and take him to the ground.

He lets out a laugh as we all land, "Yesh, I thought you both were commanding officers of special forces not a bunch a pups." He groans.  "You love us," I snarl playfully, "That I do kiddo, that I do," He sighs, "Now help this only man up will you?" He groans. I laugh as Wyatt and I stood before we each hold a hand out to pull him up. 

"Hey Wyatt!" A voice calls, I snap my head over to Uma as she grins. Wyatt sprints at her before lifting her in the air and spinning, "What about you? Where's your mate-to-be?" He chuckles. "I don't have one," I shrug, "That's a lie, That Hunter boy. He was a good one." My father offers. "He threw me off a boat dad and said some questionable things to me." I scoff.

"Your mother Blair Wolf, Shot me with a silver bullet and left me to die. Yet I still loved her," He smirks. I let out a long sigh as I watch my brother and Uma dance across the bridge, "Come on kiddo, I'd like to see the woods again," He spoke softly before throwing an arm over my shoulder and lead me across the bridge.

By the time we cross all are dancing and talking, even Mal and her father. As we pass Hades pats my father's shoulder and he chuckled. "I thought he chained you up?" I scoff, "Ahh, I only let him do that. Besides he had to play cards with someone." He chuckles.

"Ah, Um, Blair!" A voice calls, turning I come face to face with Hunter Hood. He stood straighter at the sight of my father. "I would uh, I would like to invite you and your family to uh, take your places as keepers of the forbidden forest. It's not king or anything but uh Mayor of sorts. You'll get the castle though." Hunter spoke.

"It would be nice to have my only place back, but you can keep the social status. Instead you can make things up with Blair," My father smirks before shoving me forward. "DAD!" I screech, "see you at home kiddo!" He calls disappearing through the crowd.

"I'm sorry!" Hunter blurts, "I'm so, so, so, super very, sorry." He rushes. I bite my lip and cross my arms. "One chance Hunter Hood, One chance. Don't mess it up." I spoke quietly, Hunter lets out a breath. "I wouldn't dream of it." He grins.

Huh, not bad for an ending.

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