Story 1: Chapter 5

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The next day everything was hectic to say in the least the boys had a tournament and Evie was scrambling to get outfits ready for the coronation and parents day. I however,  a vary relaxed day with mal. We are currently by our lockers when we saw Ben, Audrey, and Chad. I covered up a snorted laugh with my hand when I herd her call him Benny-boo.

She then caught our gaze and sneers, I wave at her cheekily before she walked off. Ben then came over to me and mal. "hey Benny-boo" mal teases, I try and fail to cover up another laugh. "You want a cookie? Me and the guys made cookies." she said ,waving the bag of cookies in his face. "You know I would love to but I have a game soon and I shouldn't eat-" I'm quick to cut him off, "oh yeah right! Don't trust villain kids to give you treats," I smile sadly. "oh right! Sorry Ben" Mal caught on.

"wait that's not-" This time Mal cuts him off, "No! It's okay your being careful, that's smart." she said giving him a little half smile. "oh well more for us." I quip taking out a cookie acting as if I was going to eat it, when Ben snatched it from me and took a large bite. I smirk when he started to ramble about the cookie, but he wasn't even looking at the cookie, he was looking at Mal. "Mal did you always have those golden flakes in your eye?" he questioned in wonder.

I turn my back to to stop my self from laughing. "How you feeling Ben?" I ask, giving him a wolfish grin. "I feel like singing Mal's name" he said before he started to actually sing Mal's name. I suck in a laugh and hold it as she covered his mouth. Jay then came by and drags him away as he mumbled Mal's name.

As soon as he was out for ear shot I bust into laughs "Oh I can't wait to see this kid as a love sick puppy." I laugh. She rolls her eyes, "let's go or we'll miss their game." she said as she pulls me to the field. Once there we find a spot on the bleachers, As the game starts and progresses I'm amazed at Carlos's ability to be athletic. All through out the game I cheer for him and Jay.

By the end jay and Carlos had won it and all was well until Ben sung a song to Mal, singing that he was in love with her. It was really amusing especially when Audrey threw her little fit. It was fun and Mal got asked to the coronation, which is a good sign for us, but as Audrey threw her fit she roped Chad into it. Evie looked upset when she kissed him, I scowl at the girl and hold Evie's hand. She smiled at me "Remember what I said, that you don't need a guy to make you feel good about your self"  I said she nods.

"good we can go to coronation with Jay and Carlos" I said with a firm nod. She nods happily in agreement. When we left the game I went with Jay and Carlos to the victory pizza party, the coach had asked me to be the team manager awhile ago and I had agreed. So instead of going to Mal's date prep, I'm going to pizza with sweaty boys.

At the parlor I watch all them eat as I sat in the back not really hungry. I play with the knife on the table as I sat there until someone sat next to me. I look up and see Carlos handing me an all meat slice of pizza. I smile at him "thanks" I mumble,  "Yeah well I feel bad for calling you an animal all those times. And everyone else felt bad because you saw stuff we couldn't." he said.

I laugh with my mouth full of pizza "Jay said you're the mother we either wanted or never had, your always pull though when we need you and your always there when we need someone to listen." he smiles ear to ear. I drop my pizza when he spoke, I felt my heart throb in my chest. Carlos watches me in shock as slowly pull down my hood, "he said that?" I ask in a quite voice. He nods his head slowly, I feel tears slip down my face. Carlos didn't notice until the drops fell onto the plates. His eyes widen and he started to panic. Jay herd the commotion and came over, Carlos cupped my face and wiping away tear to try and calm me down so when Jay saw my crying face he didn't take it as good sign.

"what did you do?" Jay asked angerly, "I didn't do anything! I was just telling her how she was like the mother of our group!" Carlos panicked. Jay froze and glares at him, I lift my head up and brush my hair out of my face then wipe away the tears.

I pulled them into a hug. "thank you," I whisper softly. They both hugged back "You guys are the best" I smile they pull part and brag me to the table with the rest of the team.


After we got back I had mal and Evie fill me in on what happened and might I say it was the cutest thing ever. But like all good things it had ended and I was laying in my room reading a book until I herd a knock on my widow and when I opened the curtains the first thing I saw was a red hoodie.

Your joking, "what do you need hunter?" I asked in a sigh. He smiles at me and pulls his red hoodie down "Just wanted to talk," he said. I shrug "Sure but you stay out of the room," I growl. He nods his head "So what's life like on the isle?" he asked leaning on my window seal. "It's great no rules, no expectations. Except for parents of course, a lot of ours expect us to do what we're told and that's to be be bad. It's a lot more pressure than what you good folks would think and unlike here we don't have a place to run to when we want to get away" I sigh playing with a loose end of my hair. "Dad always told me how great it was to run free in the forest the smells the animals, and out of everything he told me it was the best to wake up early in the woods and see the doe grass and the sunrise." I smile fondly.

"I got lucky with my dad he may not show it but he cares for me unlike a lot of the other parents on the isle" I said. He was watching his eyes sparkled with interest. "So what's it like here? Outside the school?" I ask sitting on my window seal by him. "It's great all the fresh air and people that won't mug you." he said playfully. I smirk but give him a playful eye roll.

"It's everything your father said it is, but I don't understand if he loved it so much my did he do all those bad things?" he questions. I look up at the sky "no-one truly knows how people work hunter, it's what makes us human." I say, "what my father did was his choice and I love him regardless of it. I understand if your mom and the huntsman along with the three little pigs are angry with him." I spoke looking down at him.

"but I didn't eat your mom or your  great grandmother, I didn't huff and puff and blow two houses down. That wasn't me." I said sternly, "you people are about fair treatment and such but your taking the crimes of other people and pinning them on innocent ones. If you ask me you all are just as bad as the people on the isle." I scoff.

He looked at me in shock but didn't say anything, "I don't think your a monster like my mom says you and your father are." he spoke softly, "good night Blair" he mutters and walked back​ to his dorm.

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