Story 3: Chapter 5

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Wyatt and I manage to get our hands on two bikes, Silas had chosen to ride me rather than Wyatt which is why I have him placed in front of me with my arms wrapped around him to grab the handles. Soon enough the others show up and we're ready to go.

Mal whispers a spell before all take off across the water, riding across the barrier and into the Isle. Once e get we manage to find a place to park. I let out a huff of air as I pull off my helmate, "Hey, I'm me again!" Mal grins. "Evil magic doesn't work here your highness, kind of the point." Wyatt snips. I elbow him in the ribs and shoot him a look.

"The Lair should be that way, so when your done head that direction. We'll leave you guys to it, let try to meet back up here in an hour so," Wyatt advises. "Take the lead Blair," Wyatt smiles, I nod my head. "Let's go track down some pirates," I smirk. 

I make course to when Harry will usually hang out, but I don't get far as a bike rides past us. My eyes widen as I catch the back of the devil himself. "HARRY HOOK!" I scream, the sound has him wiping his head around only to his crash the bike. I snarl and race forward. "What the bloody hell are you doing here Blair?" He calls from the ground.

"Getting answers, Hook now spill." Wyatt snarls pressing his foot into his chest. "I already told you I don't know where Uma took your father!" He groans in pain, but Wyatt presses harder. "But! But! I do have your coat!" He yelps. My eyes widen, "You found it?" I gasp, "Of course-ack!" HE yelps as Wyatt kicks him. "Don't you dare lie to her," He sneers, "Okay! Okay! I found it a week after I was sent back! I was afraid you'd stop coming to see me once you had so I kept it put up." He cries.

Wyatt scoffs at his reasons, "Blair, I'm sorry." He whispers once Wyatt took his foot off of him. "Yeah, me too. Give it to me Harry," I spoke coldly. Harry's eyes down casted to floor, he didn't say another word as he lead us back to his ship. I waited on the top deck for him to bring it up. I felt so relived when I saw Harry come back with it in hand. 

"I'm sorry Love," He whispers again, "You should have thought of that before you betrayed me." I quip. I slug off my leather jacket and hand it to Wyatt before dramatically swing on the coat. he fur is just as soft as I remember and still just as big. "You look good Baby sister," Wyatt teases, "Yeah, I know." I smile teasingly. 

"Come on, we should be getting back to Mal and them. Hopefully we can find a way to get back without the bikes." Wyatt sighs, "At least you we got this back right?" Silas smiles, "That's right Kit, at least we got this." I smile. Wyatt throws an arm over my shoulder as we make our way back to the entrance of the Isle.

"Did you get the ember?" I question, Mal nods her head quietly, "I uh, see you found your dad's coat." She smiles weakly. "Yeah, one step closer to finding him." I whisper with a smile. "Mal," Cilia whispers, "Let's get out of here," Mal spoke quickly.

Jay nods and holds up the barrier remote from the Limo, he clicks it open and we set out. "We got in and We got out." Mal sighs. I jump as I hear two thumps from behind us, I turn sharply to see Gil and Harry on the ground. Outside the Barrier. 

"Are you kidding me? Harry Hook!" I snap, crossing my arms and glaring down at him. Wyatt lets out a growl as he steps forward, "I'll take care of him for you," He snarls. Harry jumps back and holds out his hands. "Hold on! Hold on!" Harry cries, Wyatt stops and as he does Harry takes his chances and bolts past him. I push Silas behind me but Harry doesn't make it far before Carlos is pushing him back and Jay is holding down a livid Wyatt.

In all the struggle Mal is bumped causing her to drop the amber, it roles to the edge of the bridge but Mal catches it in time. Harry however uses his hook to fling Mal's hand in the direction of the water. My eyes widen as the amber goes flying through the air over the sea.

My heart stops as a tentacle shoots up and grabs it. Soon after the head of the squid surfaces, "Uma," Harry, Gil, and I spoke together, however in very opposite tones. "Oh wow," My brother gasps, "That's my name," She chimes. A snarl rips from my throat, I pull off my coat and not even a second later I'm consumed in black smoke. When it clears I crouch over the edge of the bridge baring my fangs at Uma.

Mal starts to argue with her as I lean back ready to lung until she sinks back into the water. Just as get ready to jump in after her until a giant swirl of water comes up. I look for her the best I could but its the clearing of a throat that has me swinging around. There she stood with the ember in hand. Without a second thought, this time I lunged and pinned her to the ground. 

"Let me go! or I'll never tell you where I stashed you father," She snarls. "Don't let her up Blair!" Mal yells. "I bet she didn't even tell you did she?" Uma laughs, "This is Hades ember isn't it? and she had to go to hades to get it, I bet she didn't tell you what she must have saw down there did she?" Uma laughs. "Don't listen to her! I didn't see anything!" Mal yells, I flatten my ears against my head as Mal's heart beat increases and Uma's remains perfectly calm. A tall tale sign of who is lying and who is not.

I glance back the group and I already see Wyatt slowly inching away from them with Silas, he must have been listening to their hearts too. "No, No fair Queen tell her about hades new hell hound. Tell her about her father who sits locked up guarding hades's gates." She smirks. Mal face is consumed in panic, that's all the sign I need to let go of Uma and prowl over to Mal snarling and snapping.

"You have to understand Blair! Auradon had to come first! I promise you, I was going to tell you once Auradon was put back in order." She pleads. I snarl in response, "Blair! I Can get you your father back. All you have to do is follow my lead." Uma calls. My head snaps over to her, "I won't betray you. Not when I need you and you need me." I look over at Wyatt. He holds Silas tightly but a hard thinking look is creased onto his face, finally when he finds a resolve he nods his head slowly.

I back off Mal and turn to pick up my coat up with my mouth. Wyatt takes from mouth and holds it open away from the eyes of the people around us. As I slowly shift back I hear Uma negotiate with Mal, as soon as my body is covered I rejoin the conversation. "I don't want to work with her," I whisper, "yeah well I don't either, however you work for me so what I say goes." She snips. I let out a feral snarl before walking back over to Silas and Wyatt.

"That was really cool Blair," Silas grins, I shot him a small smile. "Yeah but I wish I could have shown you under better circumstances." I smile softly, "Can you do that Wyatt?" he questions. Wyatt lets out a chuckle, "I can," He nods. "Will you guys show me?" He gasps. "Once this all blows over okay." I promise, Silas nods his head eagerly. 

"We should talk when we get somewhere private," Wyatt spoke softly, "Okay," I agree weakly.  

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