Story 3: Chapter 9

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I glance at Wyatt from across the yard, he nods before jumping the copper fence as I do. I wait for Silas behind me before inching to the door, there Wyatt, Silas, and I wait for Mal and Ben. As soon as they get to the door Ben kicks it in.

Wyatt and I flank the room as everyone files in searching, but no one finds anything until a prettified scream echoes through the house. My eyes snap over to it's direction to find Silas standing over Chad with glowing gold eyes and fangs bared growling at him.

I cross my arms and smirk at the sight, "Congratulations Silas, your first hunt. A uhh, mouse." I laugh but Wyatt elbows me. I could still see the amused look he hand on his face though. "Alright Silas, back off." I groan moving forward over to Chad. 

I pull the twelve year old back by his caller and Chad looks up at me. "Blair!" He cries latching onto my waste. "I'm so scared, She's gone right? She's gone?" He whimpers, I clear my throat awkwardly and pet his hair. He seems to relax a bit more and leans into it. I shot a panicked look over to the group who looked at as if we were the funniest thing on earth. "Wait, The door's open." He whispers, my eyes widen as he dives forward and across the floor. He scurries out of the cottage screaming freedom until he can't be heard any longer. 

"I hate all of you," I huff, "Awe come on baby sister. It's all in good fun," Wyatt muses. I scoff and roll my eyes. "Moving on!" I call to the room, I push my way out as they all laugh behind me. "You know I don't know how this happened. But one day you gotta tell me." Ben sighs, "And one day we shall, My dear king." I laugh. 

"Actually Mal promised to get all the kids off the Island," Evie smiles, "She did?" I question. "Blair you we're there for it." Evie laughs, "Oh I'm sorry I was in emotional distress when Mal abanodoned my father in her father's personal hell hole." I snap. "Umm, What?" Ben questions, "Which part that's a lot to break down," Jay chuckles.

"Well I uh...Have something to tell you guys," Mal spoke up, "Oh this should be good," I groan. Wyatt's hand made contact with the back of my head. "I uh... Lied, I can't bring all the kids back here or...ever," Mal spoke slowly. The world around us seemed to crash, But it was me who broke it.

I broke it with a laugh, "Oh that is priceless, Not did you lie to me about my father, you abandoned him, and then, AND THEN! You lie to people so they'll help you!" I laugh but my chest tightens and I couldn't help the tears from falling as all the emotional distress of today came crashing down.

"Your going to make a great Queen Mal," I laugh bitterly, I trudge forward to leading my brother and Silas behind me. Mal holds her hand out to grab my arm but Wyatt snatches her hand first, "Do not touch her," He snarls with fangs bared and eyes glowing. Without another word we left, We left and I took them home. To my home. A Little cottage like Evie's only not as bright and pretty, it's more woodland and rustic. 

"This is were I live, It isn't much but it's good." I smile looking back, but it drops instantly. "Wyatt, Where's Silas?" I question weakly, Wyatt's eyes widen before looking behind himself. "He was just here, I heard his footsteps," He gasps. Wyatt breathes deeply but stills, "She has him," He snarls with yellow eyes. 

"Then she shall pay the price," I sneer, I toss off my coat and turn to Wyatt who is ripping off his jacket tank top and pants. With only his boxers on he shifts, in a cloud of white smoke he disappears and from the inside sick pops and growls sound out from it until A giant white wolf took his place.

I roll my neck and took my turn to shift, my body twisting and bending at odd angles as black smoke covers me. Until it clears and I'm full shifted. I grip my coat in my muzzle as Wyatt gathers his, with everything collected Wyatt takes the lead to track her scent. 

Only when we find her, we aren't the only ones, A dragon flies above the tower as Uma and her crew stand off to the side. "Your here! And your...Shifted!" Uma gasps over to us. I nod my head before dropping my coat in front of her and dashing off to the tower, I jump onto the first roof as Wyatt jumps to the other. Together we try to jump up high enough to catch the top of the tower but we can't. 

I jump out of the way as a bolt of pink magic comes flying at me, before another one goes flying at Wyatt. Wyatt dodges but slides down the roof a little, my eyes widen as I see Silas lean over the edge with Cilia. An idea sparks and I howl over to Wyatt, with a another howl Wyatt gets the idea.

I jump at Audrey to get her attention, "ugh! You stop dog!" She screams. I jump and dodge as she throws shot after shot of magic at me. I glance over to see Silas and Cilia sliding down the tower onto Wyatt's head and back. Once both of them are on he jumps from the building. "NO!" Audrey screams as she see's them escape. 

I felt my soul leave me when she thrusts the staff forward to strike them, without so much as a second thought I jump in the way. A yelp escapes me as it hits me, I fly farther across the air before being dragged across the ground. 

Slowly I felt my power fade from my body, I feel the tickle of the smoke as my gaze goes hazy.  I feel the cold breeze on my skin when my shift fades away, I curl up into a ball to hide my figure but the familiar scent and touch of fur covers me. "It's going to be okay Blair, I got you." A voice whispers, I open my eyes but not for long. The only thing I catch before I black out is Blue eyes. Eyes that remind me of the Enchanted lake. 

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