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Beth sighed, opening her eyes to the metal bed above her for what must've been the 10th time. She had been falling in and out of sleep for hours now, her eyes still dry from crying. The warm blankets and soft pillow were relieving against her bruised back and knowing she could remove her helmet in peace was a welcome change. But, that didn't help the fact that her mind was still tormented by the loss of her family.

She sighed deeply, knowing her troubled mind would continue to keep her up. She rose from the cot and placed her feet down, feeling her socks touch the smooth floor. With a weak push, she stood and found her footing, padding across the room. Before leaving she picked up her helmet and slid it onto her head with a click. Her rescuer was probably asleep as he seemed to be exhausted when he said goodnight, but it was never permitted to leave your bed without covering your face, and Beth abided by that rule seriously. When she reached the door, she hesitated, hoping she wouldn't wake him. She just needed to clear her head; to think of anything else but what was paining her.

As she stepped out into the common area of the ship, a new coldness made her shiver. Instinctively, she wrapped her arms around her body to preserve its warmth. Being without her chest plate and cape was strange, but she was grateful to be free of their weight.  She continued to observe her surroundings, wondering just how far they had traveled from Nar Shaddaa by now.

Looking around, she quickly located the hallway to the cockpit and followed it down to the airlock door. It was closed, much to her surprise. Usually, it would stay open when the pilot was away in case there was an emergency. Still curious to see where they were, she reluctantly rose her hand up to the access panel and pushed a few buttons. The metal slid into the wall with a whirring sound, revealing Din still sitting in the pilot's chair. He turned quickly, an instinct that Mandalorians learned from birth.

hukaat gar norac (watch your back)

She froze, fearing that she had woken him. But in reality, Mando hadn't been to sleep for hours. His tired eyes were fighting against his anxious mind, but it never was enough to make him doze off.

"I'm sorry," Beth said quietly. After the initial shock of seeing him, her heart rate had decreased again and she was able to calm herself. She took this opportunity to sit in the copilot's seat, still longing to get a much-needed look outside.

"Not a problem," Din said gruffly. His eyes never left the open space in front of them as he focused on keeping the ship steady.

"Can I get you something?" he asked, realizing that he hadn't offered her food or something to drink.

"Oh, no I'm alright," she quickly explained, hoping he didn't press further. Her breakdown in front of him earlier was already making her feel vulnerable, and that was a quality Mandalorians saw as a dangerous weakness.

Mando glanced over at her, analyzing her helmet further. The paint was matte black and didn't shine like his did. He wondered how old it was, given its unique style. It was traditional for Mandalorian families to pass down armor to the younger generation, but this set must have been ancient. Her visor reflexed the light of the stars, distracting him from his flying.

Once again they were drenched in silence, a time that Beth found comfort in while Din only debated what to say next. He didn't want her to catch on to how truly tired he was. Sleep hadn't come easy since the child left.

"Where are we going?" she asked suddenly.


There was a remnant of sadness in his voice, confusing the woman next to him. In truth, Din had been thinking once again of his covert's misfortune. Being around Beth had opened that closing wound further than was comfortable, but Nevarro was one of the only places he knew they would be safe.

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