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"How are you, cyar'ika (darling)?" Din asked, looking down at his wife, wrapped loosely in his arms. The sheets and blankets were tangled from the night previous but covered the couple comfortably against the cold room.

"Why would I be anything less than perfect?" She hummed, opening her sleepy eyes to meet his gaze.

"I didn't..." he shifted under the sheets, "hurt you?"

She couldn't help but smile at his worry. While her legs were somewhat sore, she couldn't recall any feeling other than pleasure from the night before.

"Stop worrying, Din. I'm not hurt," she comforted, leaning forward to kiss his stubbled cheek. He immediately relaxed at the gesture as it assured him she had enjoyed herself.

"Good, you won't mind if I do this then," he smirked, lowering his hand to her hip. Her eyes instantly closed and her mouth fell slightly open as she remembered how he touched her before.

" much as I want to," she began, feeling his hand lower further, "we need to get up."

He groaned in protest, but agreed with her wishes and moved the covers to stand. As he picked up his clothes that had fallen around the bed, he glanced over to the corner and noticed the untouched cot.

"I hope your father doesn't mind that I didn't use the bed he set up," he laughed lightly.

"He doesn't need to know," she replied.

Din pondered her words and turned to face her. She had just finished putting on her undershirt as their eyes met, making her eyebrows furrow at his expression.

"You don't want to tell him?" He asked sadly.

Her eyes softened, hearing his disappointment in his voice.

"It's not like that, Din," she assured him, crossing the room to where he stood. Her arms wrapped lovingly around his neck and her chest pressed against his lightly.

"It's just private. I don't know him like I used to," she explained, feeling a deep breath escape his chest. A brief moment passed, but then he nodded and kissed her forehead lightly. She smiled and walked away again to put her armor on.

Din knew the Alor would want to see his daughter and didn't want to make him wait, but he wondered if he would be able to keep the secret from him. As much as Beth disliked him, he was still her father and he had a right to know.

Once they were both presentable, they walked down the hall to the dining room. Din stood closer to Beth than he usually did, his hand grazing hers occasionally as they walked.

The large space was less filled than the night before, but a familiar face found Beth's as they entered.

"Beth!" Odette exclaimed, jumping from her seat next to her mother and running up to Beth's legs. She hugged her tightly and grabbed her hand, dragging her away from Din.

An amused smile found its way onto his lips as she stumbled to keep up with the racing girl. He followed behind them, slowing as they approached the woman at the table.

"Buir! Look it's Beth!" She giggled, showing her new friend off.

"Pleasure to see you again," the woman said with a chuckle, meeting Beth's visor.

"You as well, Rai'na. I'm honored that your daughter has grown so fond of me," she smiled. Odette had already sat down again, pulling Beth into the empty seat next to her.

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