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It was only a half-hour later than Din's rescue team boarded the Defender, most of them saying goodbye to Bar Neth for the first time in years.

Kaleb stood by the hallway to the cockpit, leaning up against the wall as he watched the rest settle in. Rai'na was sitting with the baby in Beth's old room, trying to keep him calm while Din flew them to their first destination. He was incredibly nervous and didn't like being away from his father, but it was best for him to stay away from the action.

The cockpit was noisier than usual as Alik ran over the plan with Din multiple times just in case there was a weak part. As he listened, his body was completely overwhelmed, hands shaking and eyes threatening to release the tears being held in.

"This is a good lead, Din. You must have more faith in your plan," he said, leaning back in the co-pilot's chair.

Din stared at the streaking stars in front of them, trying not to think about anything except the plan. He rubbed the side of his thighs nervously, pressing the heels of his palms harshly against them to relieve some of the stress.

"I don't know if Ja'vi will help, there's nothing in it for him,"

"His life may be a good bargain chip," Din met Alik's visor for the first time in hours at the aggressive comment, but then he nodded in agreement.

He hadn't always been this nervous, but that was when he only had himself to worry about. The child had come along, forcing him into a role he never planned on having; being a father. And now, his wife, his entire world, was in mortal danger because of him.

Stop it, that isn't helping anything

He had to think of better things, or he was going to mentally implode. With a heavy sigh, his eyes closed as he tried to focus his mind on Beth. It wasn't easy to forget the first time she touched him, said his name. All of her actions were ingrained in his memory, impossible to forget. Sometimes, he would look at her and think,

There must be a greater being out there for someone so perfect to love me

It could be argued that the Force had given him Beth as a reward for his labors to protect the child, but there was no way for him to know that. He still didn't fully understand the way it worked, the way the child used it so well.

Being lost in his own thoughts had made the time pass quickly, and they were soon looking at the familiar space-station run by a certain guild member. He felt a surge of energy move through him, something raw and firey in nature.

I will get her back

Gripping the control stick firmly, he steered them into the closest hanger and lowered it slowly onto the pad.

As the ship came to a halt, Din rose from his chair, followed by Alik, and walked into the main haul. Kaleb pushed off the wall and stood tall before them, cracking his neck as he moved it side to side.

"Day is fixing your fuel regulator," he spoke gruffly, piercing the silence with his gravelly voice.

Din's helmet retracted in surprise, his eyebrows furrowing in confusion.

"The fuel regulator is online,"

"Yeah, at 75 percent efficiency!" a voice called from the back of the ship.

He saw the woman striding confidently out of the engine room, a welding tool in hand. She placed it on the table a little rougher than necessary, turning back to face the group.

Din gave her a baffled look, making her strong arms cross in defense.

"What? You wanted me on board for my tech skills, right? I couldn't just leave it," she argued.

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