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That was the first night in months that Grogu had truly slept in peace. Now, he was sitting up in his pram, watching his parents contently as they slept in each other's arms.

He was worried, thinking that they would leave him soon. He knew the Mandalorian had missed him very much, and he also knew that his new mother cared for him deeply. But he could feel their hesitance to take him away from the Jedi.

A power as special as his had to be protected, that was true, but the Mandalorian had protected him many times, even saving his life more than once.

So why can't he protect me now?

The only reason he had left was to finish his training. Ahsoka Tano had said his power was still vulnerable to his fears, making him dangerous. After just a short time at the temple, he had learned to control it and spent the rest desperately missing his father.

He thought of all the dangers that had befallen them, and the willingness Mando had to protect him at all costs. At first, he was distant and unsure about the baby, but Grogu never really understood why he had given him up the first time. Since the moment they met, he could feel his paternal care. It only grew from that point on and allowed a special attachment to form between them.

Now, the sun was starting to come up, shining light through the window on the back wall. He watched intently as Beth's figure started to stir beneath the covers.

She sat up, eyes immediately falling on her son. A warm smile graced her face and she waved her delicate hand at him. His little coos filled the room as he gently waved back and moved the pram closer to her.

"Well, hello little one," she whispered, smiling sleepily.

The child beamed up at her as she scooted away from Din and off the bed. She stood on wobbly legs and met Grogu's eyes once more, watching his amused expression.

She followed his gaze to her husband who was now grumbling at the loss of her warmth. She chuckled lightly, stepping next to him and throwing her arms around his curled-up figure.

He startled and turned around to face his attacker, but calmed once he met her eyes. His hand gently reached for her cheek as he marveled at her beautiful features.

"Don't scare me like that, cyare," he mumbled, his voice still many octaves deeper than usual.

"Sorry, but duty calls," she smiled, moving so he could look at the tiny creature next to her.

"Ah, always an early riser," he sighed.

Sitting up, he ran a hand through his messy curls. He had slept much better than usual, not having to think about being away from the child.

The baby suddenly frowned, turning to Beth, and touching a hand to his mouth.

"Are you hungry?" she acknowledged, picking him up and cradling him close.

Din had moved to the edge of the bed, already putting on his socks and boots for the day ahead. He looked up at Beth and smiled at the heartwarming sight.

"I can ask Luke when breakfast is," he offered, now bending over to grab his armor from the floor.

"Thank you, I'm a little hungry myself," she admitted, touching Grogu lightly on the nose. Being in her arms seemed to distract him for the time being, but she knew he would start fussing soon.

As she talked, Din quickly reassembled his armor, leaving his helmet for last. He stood close to his riduur, placing a soft kiss on her forehead before leaning down to kiss his ad'ika too.

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