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"HU'TUUN! (COWARD!)" she yelled, grabbing for her blaster as she met her father's helmet.

Quickly, the blue armored man pulled out his blaster and aimed it at Beth. Din responded at lightning speed, pointing his own blaster back at him.

"Beth! What's going on?" Din yelled as they all were held in a gun lock with each other.

"After all the years you ran, what makes you think you can stand in her place?" she spat, staring daggers into her father's eyes.

"Who the hell is this guy?!" Din continued to yell.

"I am her father! Now put down your weapons," the leader boomed, causing everyone except Beth to oblige. Din's eyes went wide as he holstered his blaster.

"Father?" he muttered, looking at the back of Beth's helmet.

"Yes, now Beth. Listen to me," the man reasoned. He gestured for his blue armored friend to leave them. He gave a silent nod and stepped around Din on his way out.

"You left her! You left me!" Beth exclaimed, letting all her anger be known after all these years. She hadn't seen her father since she was 10 years old. He claimed the Mandalorian lifestyle was too much for him to carry on with, so he left. Leaving the covert and his daughter in the hands of his wife.

"I made a mistake. Please put down your weapon," he begged, slowly approaching the furious girl. Din moved to stand beside her and slowly put his hand out to lower her blaster.

"No one needs to get hurt here," he whispered, trying to calm her down. But her gun stayed put.

"He's a traitor! He's broken the creed!" she continued, feeling her eyes overrun with tears. Din swallowed hard, thinking of that day on Morak where he had to remove his helmet.

"He's your father. You can't kill him," he reasoned, pushing down on her gun once again. Finally, she turned her clouded eyes to her partner, and though she didn't want to, she listened.

When she holstered her blaster, she turned back to face her father. She was still furious and she had so many questions that needed answers, but she didn't think she could actually shoot him.

"I know I broke the creed, but I reswore it when I heard of your mother's passing," the man explained gently.

"You can't reswear it," she argued.

"Well, I did. And I spent the last four years looking for others of our kind so I could rebuild what your mother fought for," he continued. While she was surprised by his declaration, her feelings of hatred did not falter.

"She's dead," she cried, letting her sadness show. She wanted him to know all the pain he had caused her. When he left, he didn't just take the covert's leader away, he took her father too.

"I know, and I would give anything to go back and save her. But I can't," he said.

"I thought you were dead, too," he explained, "I was returning from a guild job when I was given your bounty. I recognized your chain code, so I knew you had to be alive,"

Her head lowered as she thought of Ja'vi's tip.

So he was the one looking for me...

"Well, he found me first," she replied, finally acknowledging the man beside her.

Her father straightened his back as he looked at Din. He hadn't seen a set of armor as new as his since the purge, recognizing that only an elite mercenary would have that much beskar available to them.

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