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The Mandalorian sat calmly, back leaned against the wooden chair as it swayed with the tilting of his foot. He hadn't slept, just as predicted, but he had found peace in watching her.

She had stayed in the same position all night and slept soundly. He thought of the nightmare she had the night before and how badly it had startled her. It was enough that he thought someone was on the ship trying to kill her.

Now, as her breath steadily flowed in and out of her mouth, he knew she was at peace. The sun was low in the sky now, and it would soon be time for them to leave.

Mando stood from the chair, making the wood squeak against his movements. He silently cursed at the noise and heard Beth's breath change for the first time in hours. She gasped softly, then exhaled as she fully woke up.

"Din?" She whispered, waiting for her partner to respond.

"Yes?" he said, still standing next to the rocking chair.

Her helmet adjusted as she sat up and leaned against the backboard to support herself. Her eyes took a moment to adjust to the sunlight peeking through the thin curtains, but easily picked out the dark silhouette of the Mandalorian.

"Jate vaar'tuur (Good morning)," she sighed.

"Morning," he replied, finally walking over to the wooden chest and pulling his armor out. He heard her shuffle out of the covers and yawn as she stood next to the bed.

"How's your shoulder?" she asked, glancing over at him. He was back in the chair now and was putting on his boots, securing the bolts that lined his right ankle.

"Good," he assured her.

It wasn't a lie, his shoulder didn't hurt, but he did feel utterly exhausted. He silently thanked Manda that it wasn't another hunting day. Beth nodded softly, but she could tell something was off.

They followed a similar routine of putting on each plate of armor and securing it to their bodies. Once everything had been reattached, their capes were put on to cover their neck and back from the cold. Finally, the Mandalorians checked their blasters and firmly placed them in their holsters for the dangers ahead. Hopefully, there would be none today.

"It's gonna be freezing out there," Beth complained.

"Yup," Din said, feeling the same hesitance to leave the comfortable room.

"You better not take us anywhere cold for a while, Djarin. I might lose my fingers," she joked, making the tired man laugh.

With a playful smile, she spun around towards the door and walked out into the stairwell. He watched her as she left, admiring her figure in silence. He sighed at his distracted mind and then turned to follow her.

The lobby was empty when they came downstairs, probably due to the early hours. Beth took a deep breath before braving the cold and walked outside to the morning air. She shivered as it struck her body like an ice wall, also leaking in from the bottom of her helmet. Din stepped out shortly after, taking in a sharp breath at the sudden drop in temperature.

Their eyes met for a moment before Beth continued walking towards the Defender. She was ready to get out of this cold and back into space. But more than that, she longed for the comfort the ship had given her from the outside world. The short time she had spent with Din had felt more like home than anything since the covert.

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