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It had been several weeks since the covert relocated, their leaders settling for the secluded forest on Kezra. Beth had always remembered its beauty and knew her clan would love it too.

Besides being surreal in its beauty, it was also incredibly safe. Since it was under Republic jurisdiction, the bounty hunter's guild couldn't operate there, and untouched forest went on for miles past the main settlement. The children would be able to see nature, play in the sun, and live normal lives instead of fearing for them.

Luke was true to his word, having the Republic deliver shipments of building materials for housing. Although Din and Beth had both insisted they could provide food for the covert through hunting the land, the Jedi also promising a shipment of food to arrive monthly.

The clan worked hard day in and day out, excited to finally escape the dark tunnels on Bar Neth and have the living spaces they wanted. They quickly established houses, all different in structure, for each family spread throughout the clearing in the forest.

Watchtowers were also made as an extra safety precaution. Beth had argued that it was unnecessary as they were far enough from the town that no one could make the trek on foot, but Din persisted.

"I would be honored to take the main watchtower, Alor," Alik said as Din offered the position.

"Your hours would be much shorter, of course, but I trust no one more to ensure our safety," Din explained.

"Thank you, that truly means so much to me," he said.

Alik nodded in acknowledgment, his footsteps shifting the dirt below as he exited the common house. He had been guarding the clan for years now, and now he would get to perform actual security sweeps and have a position outside. It was the most invigorated he had felt in a long time.

The dome-shaped building fell quiet as Din sat alone, sorting through the peace treaties and other documents the Republic had given him. They had been extremely thorough in their assistance, truly attesting to their faith in the clan as an ally. It surprised Din at first when they said he could still bounty hunt as a form of income, thinking that they would be opposed to it, but it was legal after all; morals didn't change that

Suddenly, a cheerful "wee!" echoed in the tall dome, making Din look up as the pram flew inside and over to the table. His visor met the happy baby as he lifted something up, showing his father a rock he had found on the ground outside.

"Since when do you like rocks?" he chuckled, remember the time they spent with Ashoka Tano, Grogu refusing to lift anything but the shifter nob.

Seconds later, a light pair of footsteps rounded the corner, showing a black-armored woman Din knew all too well.

"He wanted to see you. You've been locked away in here all day,"

Her lofty voice floated through the air, making him stand from the desk and saunter over to her. He stopped only inches away, bringing his hand under her chin and grabbing it lightly.

"I had to take care of some things, but I'm done now," he promised, touching his helmet to hers with a small clink. She hummed in approval, wrapping her arms around his waist lovingly.

"Good, then we should head home. Vorpan'ika dragged me to the pond again so he could see the frogs and I'm exhausted," she complained but chuckled in amusement.

"You mean eat the frogs?"

"He only ate a few!"

Din turned to face the smiling boy once more, watching him rock back and forth in the pram as he held his new toy close. Shaking his head, he beckoned Grogu to follow as he and Beth exited the house.

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