BÓŃÚŚ: yóú'ré díśtráćtíńg mé

912 30 20

warning: steamy steam lol

Taking one look around the house, Beth knew it was probably time for a good clean. The kitchen table was covered in messy coloring sheets and scattered pencils, accompanied by Beth's own papers for teaching. She had made a point to tell her son to clean up after himself, but just like any other kid, he had better things to do.

There was laundry that needed to be done, as well as dishes, and honestly, Beth didn't mind the mundane upkeep if it kept her family safe. So, she sent Grogu out to play with the other children while she busied herself around the house.

Her hair was tied in a messy bun at the back of her head, reminding her that she should probably get it trimmed soon; it was becoming a little squished under her helmet.

A heavy sigh escaped her lips as she looked at the kitchen table, but when her eyes fell on the pictures Grogu had drawn, her frustration melted away. There were drawings of a little green blob - him- standing next to two taller blobs who were holding hands - her and Din. She smiled widely at the detail, happy to know how he viewed his parent's relationship. To be fair, he did put detail on their helmets and add ears to his little figure, but other than that he could clearly work on his dexterity.

The free strands of hair in her face were tucked behind her ear as she gathered her books and holopad from the table, putting the books away on the shelf and carrying her holopad to the bedroom. Her bare feet padded lightly over to the nightstand on her side and placed the tablet down to charge.

She turned around, putting her hands on her hips as she glanced around the room. There were dirty black and brown clothes piled up near the closet, meaning the hamper was already full and laundry day was way past due.

As she gathered as much of it as she could to the washroom, she heard the faint noise of the keypad on the door beeping. This was quickly followed by the door sliding open, indicating someone had just come inside, and only one other person had the key code.

She was still putting all the clothes in the washer when he called her name.


"I'm in here" she answered, raising her voice just enough so that he could find her. She turned around once the wash cycle had started and jumped at his helmetless figure already in the doorway. Once her body settled again, he made his way over to her slowly, but deliberately.

"Have you been cleaning all day?" he mumbled, taking his ungloved hand and tilting her chin upwards. She exhaled, already at peace in his presence. He had been on a hunting trip with Alek, Kaleb, and others to collect food for the clan. She could tell he hadn't showered in a few days judging by the woodsy musk emanating from his shirt, but she didn't mind. In fact, she wished he could smell like this all the time; wood and grass and fresh rain.

"No, not all day" she finally said, remembering to breathe after focusing her mind on his smell for so long. His chocolate eyes still seemed troubled as he brought his grip to rest on her forearms, rubbing them gently.

"You could have waited 'till I got back. I would have helped" he frowned. She knew he didn't like leaving her at home as he was used to them being together for everything. But they had talked about it and decided Grogu was still settling in and that one of them should stay behind to look after him. Seeing as Beth had developed better soothing skills, they agreed it should be her.

"Don't worry, I left the dishes for last," she suggested, leaning in to peck his cheek before quickly departing from his grip. He grunted softly at the loss of contact but followed her down the hall without another word.

As she passed through the living room to the kitchen, she heard heavy footsteps behind her. He almost sounded like he was in a hurry, not using the same care he usually did to keep quiet. She made her way over to the sink and started the warm water, touching it with her fingertips until it heated to the desired temperature.

The sink started to fill with water and she quickly added soap, causing bubbles to form. She dipped a washcloth into the water, swirling it around in the bubbles as she waiting for the sink to fill.

Expecting him to be beside her, she jumped when his now armorless body pressed against her back. Immediately, his hands fell on top of hers and guided them to the first dish, holding on to her as she scrubbed it gently. It was hard to focus with his warmth completely consuming her, and she soon felt herself spacing out from the task. Her hands loosened around the cloth and her circles were getting tired, leaving Din to do most of the work.

"What's wrong, ner kar'ta?" he teased, knowing fully what he was doing.

"You're distracting me" she mumbled out, using all her remaining strength to push against him, attempting to create some space between their bodies. But he didn't budge, only bringing his head down to rest on her collarbone, placing sweet kisses down the side of her neck.

At this, her arms went completely limp, even against her wishes. He had such an effect on her and he had barely done anything. It simultaneously made her hate him and absolutely adore him.

"Come on, cyare. I missed you" he pleaded, his lips continuing to persuade her into abandoning the chore. Her heart stopped for a moment, thinking about what to do next. She wanted to prove that she could resist his advances, but who was she kidding? Her limbs were practically useless, her eyes refused to open, and her breath was already jagged and wanting.

"I thought you said you would help" she countered weakly.

He chuckled at this, and she could feel his lips tug up into a smile as they grazed her shoulder and finally left her flaming skin. A wet hand released one of hers, reaching up to the knot on her head and gently pulling it down. He wasted no time sticking his face into her soft hair, breathing in her scent like a drug. They had such a calming effect on each other, any time they spent apart could be classified as withdrawal.

"I will, just not right now, please" the word fell from his mouth deliciously, prompting her to finally turn around and a sharp pang hit her stomach. Din hardly ever begged for anything, but when he did, it was Beth's favorite sound in the whole galaxy.

His eyes locked onto hers in milliseconds, pupils dilated to an extraordinary size as he took in her face. Both arms wrapped around her, pulling her close as he smashed his lips into hers. She quickly reciprocated, letting their lips mold together like clay.

Slowly, he dragged his hands up her shirt and onto her waist, groaning into her mouth at the feeling.

"Bid pel (so soft)" he whispered, making her heart flutter harder than before. She couldn't respond before he was lifting her onto his waist and carrying her back to their room.

When her back laid against the soft black comforter, she sighed out all the longing she had held in for the past few days, feeling his body against her's after what felt like years. She laughed as she looked down at her hands, still covered in soapy water from the sink.

"My hands are wet," she said in amusement as his gaze locked onto her's once more.

"Hmm..." he sighed, letting his hand slip into the waistline of her pants as he looked her dead in the eyes.

"I'm willing to bet you're wet somewhere else, cyar'ika"

A/N: oof at that last line oh my goooosh


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