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"Just let me know when you arrive safely so I can tell everyone," Alik said, patting Din on the back.

"We'll keep in touch," Beth assured, lifting her bag off the ground and onto her shoulder. They were already packed, standing in front of the circular door that separated the covert from the rest of the world. Alik was fine with being their stand-in, but he couldn't help his nerves at the thought of them not returning.

Nevertheless, he sent them off with a solemn nod, folding his arms behind his back as he watched them go. Beth would have stopped to offer him more words of comfort, but she was desperate to see the sun after what felt like forever underground. So, she forced the heavy metal open, not waiting for Din to follow, and marched towards the exit.

She was more than excited, she was ecstatic. The thought of finally meeting Din's foundling was overwhelming, given that it was now her foundling as well. She had always wanted a son or daughter, eager to teach them about the world. Not to mention her serious case of baby fever.

"Cyar'ika! Wait!" Her husband exclaimed, jogging to catch up to her.

She had already reached the metal ladder leading up to the city when she heard his footsteps approach behind her. She placed a gloved hand on the rung in front of her face, looking back at him playfully.

"You're getting old, riduur (husband)," she joked, earning a scoff.

He approached her quickly, mindful of the extra weight his backpack was hindering him with. His arm snaked around her waist and he pressed her firmly into his chest plate, earning a soft clink from the metal-to-metal contact.

"Careful, cyare. You may be faster, but I'm stronger," he growled, a smirk spreading across his stubbled cheeks as he felt her stiffen against him.

"We have places to be," she whispered, her flustered cheeks hiding behind her helmet.

But he was done teasing her and soon let go to start climbing the ladder. She rolled her eyes at him, knowing he was extra playful when he was happy.

She followed close behind him as they ascended the metal grips and once he was standing again, she took his extended hand to climb out into the Bar Neth heat. Replacing the grate, she dusted off her sleeves and they began walking down the narrow alleyway back into the busy market. It was still early morning, so many were out making the best of the low sun in the sky.

On the wide road back to the Defender, Din couldn't help but lock hands with that of his wife. She was nervous at the public display but welcomed the contact when she realized no one would dare comment on it. Even if Mandalorians were supposed to be fearless hunters, they were allowed to show affection; it was just usually in private.

When they reached the hanger, Din took the bag off her shoulder and pressed the button on his wrist to extend the ramp. They walked up into the vessel with ease and Beth smiled at the interior. She had loved nothing more than to see her old covert, but she had only ever been on the ship with Din. It was their special place.

"You can...put your bag in my - our - room now," he stuttered, standing at the entrance to his quarters awkwardly.

He was still growing accustomed to sharing a bed, only having slept next to Beth for a couple nights. She would have made fun of his nerves, but she knew there was more to his anxiety than usual.

"Coming," she replied softly, stepping in after him as he entered the room. She remembered it well, having memorized it from the time she slept in his bed. The sheets were changed now, much to her relief.

He placed their bags on the covers, turning to face her again.

"Beth," he said. The nerves in his voice were more obvious than before and she knew exactly what he was thinking.

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