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A gasp fell from her chapped lips as she sat up, immediately regretting the sudden movement when a sharp pain spread throughout her chest. Within seconds, a pair of strong hands met her skin, helping her lay down again.

"Take it easy, cyare. You're still recovering," his deep tone filled her ears, flooding her body with comfort.

"Din," she whispered, letting him ease her back onto the mattress. She met his eyes with no obstruction, seeing the magnificent ember studying her face.

He had been sitting next to her while she slept, watching her chest rise and fall as he regularly checked her pulse. He was confident that she was stabilized, most of the trauma being focused on her chest and -thankfully- not her head. That didn't stop him from using any excuse to take care of her.

He stayed silent, shifting his gaze away from her as tears started to fill his eyes. Looking at her, seeing the damage that was done; he couldn't take it.

"Riduur, look at me," she pleaded, eyebrows furrowing in worry. She knew Din. She knew exactly what he was thinking, and she would not stand for it. Her hand grabbed his chin softly, turning it to look at her once more.

"Haa'taylir sha ni (look at me)," she repeated, somehow even softer than before.

He didn't move away again, keeping his face pressed against her cool skin. Instead, he covered her hand with his, finding solace in the touch as he always did.

"I'm okay now, it's over," she insisted.

"You almost died," he shook his head, closing his eyes to blink away his tears.

"But I didn't,"

His eyes opened again, gaze softening slightly. He thought of the day on Tyris when the "snow people" had attacked them. He had made a risky move and tried to negotiate with them despite knowing if they had a language at all. It had worked, but Beth was right to be angry about his recklessness. She told him he could have died, and in that moment, he saw her care for him clearly. Not obstructed by his own insecurities or fears, just her. And as he hugged her for the first time; he said,

But I didn't

A faint smile played on her lips as she saw him connecting the memory. He sighed, starting to rub her cold knuckles in an attempt to warm them.

"I should have been there for you. I deserve the punishment,"

"You've already punished yourself plenty, ner cabur. Please," she insisted, pulling his neck down weakly. He adjusted so he was laying down, careful not to press into her side too harshly.

Once he had settled down, she brought his face even closer, placing a soft kiss on his lips. He melted at her tenderness, letting go of all his worry as she played with the curls at the nape of his neck.

To think I almost lost this...

His emotions swelled, flooding his eyes in another wave of tears.

"Beth, I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry," he repeated as he pulled away, letting the broken sobs in the back of his throat escape.

"Shh, it's not your fault," she promised, wiping away as much of the salty water as she could before bringing his head to rest on her shoulder.

"You're hurt," he protested softly, lifting his head once more.

"I don't care, just hold me," she insisted, feeling her own tears build at the sight of his sadness. He looked at her lovingly, giving in to what they both needed most. Bringing his arm gently around her waist, he rested his head in the crook of her neck and kissed it lightly

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