BÓŃÚŚ: śúrpríśé

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art credit: peyton thomas

It was a quiet night in the Kezra forest, and a Mandalorian family was settling in for the night. The crickets and various creatures were buzzing with life, delighting in the evening stars that now blanketed the sky.

Din and Gorgu sat on the couple's shared bed, the small green boy leaning into his father's abdomen as he rested. While the baby was content, Din's mind was on his riduur, who was still in the bathroom despite having been in there for quite some time. At first, he had worried that she was upset but quickly reminded himself of her monthly pains.

"Cyare, are you okay in there?" he called, hearing the vac tube flush through the wall. Though he was sure he had been loud enough, there was no response, causing Din's eyes to fall onto Grogu for reassurance.

"Do?" he mumbled, his eyes already drooping with sleepiness. Din sighed, bringing him into his chest and sitting up from the cot. His hands went under the baby's arms, lifting him and securing him to his side as he always did.

With the quiet thumping of his socks across the wooden floor, Din paced over to the bathroom door and knocked lightly, "Beth?"

"Oh! Sorry, Din...Did you call me?" she startled, shutting off the tap that had been running for a few minutes now.

"Yeah...are you alright? Can I...get you something?" he asked quietly, his words coming out somewhat awkwardly.

A small chuckle came from the other side of the door, quickly followed by the wood barrier creaking open. At the sight of his riduur's beautiful countenance smiling up at him, Din exhaled in relief. She met his eyes instantly, turning her attention to her son's limp figure only when she saw the tension in his shoulders drop.

"Thank you for being so considerate, ner cabur," she thanked him quietly, reaching for her son and carefully transferring him into her arms.

Before he could respond, she brought her hand to his cheek, pressing a light kiss on his lips. He smiled into the peck, letting her go once she started to pull away. To his surprise, she lingered a bit longer to study his face, rubbing her thumb into his stubble as his brown irises melted at the gesture.

"Of course, ner kar'ta. I know how difficult this time is for you," he finally said, earning another precious smile from her lips.

At this, she pulled away, humming to herself as she carried her snoring son down the hall and into his bed. She set him down on the soft cot, drawing the thick blankets over his body as he sturred a bit. Beth continued to hum, rubbing his ear delicately before picking up his stuffed lightsaber and tucking it under his arm.

Just as she was backing away from the peaceful child, she felt a familiar pair of hands find her waist. The loose shirt covering her frame fell flush against her hips as Din turned her around, bringing his bare hand up to her face.

"Well, hello to you too," she chuckled, watching him contently as he tucked a few stray hairs out of her face and behind her ear.

His face seemed to drop for a moment, studying her carefully as he held her close, "Are you sure you're okay?"

Beth smiled again, bringing her arms around his waist and up to his back where she ran her nails lightly up and down. A low rumble escaped his chest, returning the handsome smile to his face that she longed to see.

"I promise, Din. I'm perfect," she assured him. She leaned further into his chest as he pressed a loving kiss into her forehead, reveling in the peaceful moment.

"I couldn't agree more," he mumbled into her skin, causing her to giggle. Pressing her hands into his back one final time, she nuzzled her head into his chest before suddenly pulling away.

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