[ 19 ] Vengeance

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just... don't go. Don't leave . I beg you , don't ."

His voiced kept echoing in her head as she pulled on a jacket over her shoulders, zipping it half way to her chest.

The heather shade irises glanced at the clock .

2:40 am .

Her irises once again zapped to the very corner of her sclera.
The soft snores of a man made her pause on her way.
The woman walked closer, crouching down near the bed and near him.

His orange locks looked even more messier and tangled . A small plaster visible over his hair line .

His exhaustion from the day had took him into a deeper sleep even to notice that the woman who's face had been buried deep in his shoulder a few hours ago with his arm tightly wrapped around her smaller frame , was not beside him anymore.Rather , crouching at the edge of the bed staring at him in awe.

The woman's eyes darkened slightly , as her grip on the bed sheets became tighter.

Am I mistaken again ?
Are you the same as him , Nakahara Chuuya?

Yes he is.

It was a deeper voice inside her head that made her widen her eyes.

No...no he isn't. He's... not like them. He won't lie-

Yes he will.

The feeble thoughts were once again cut off by the stronger one.

Didn't you think the same about him?
Didn't he just use you in the end?
Weren't you simply one of his puppets ?

...Yes. Yes I was.

He'll be the same.
Use you for his purpose and throw you away-


Her thoughts trailed away as her stare softened unnaturally .

Are you that desperate for someone?
Do you always need someone to have your back?
Are you that pathetic and weak?

The Chess Piece   ( Nakahara Chuuya x OC)Where stories live. Discover now