[ 23 ] Antagonist

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Humans are full of naiveness . Foolish and often driven to the edge of a cliff due to something called 'feelings'. It's laughable . Especially when people give their hearts to some stranger who randomly walked into their lives and expect them to give it back intact.

Even after having seen the world's extreme depth of cruelty, Nakahara Chuuya didn't realize this. Showing the slightest bit of humanity only backfired and came crashing down on him . And his heart came back to him in pieces.

" If you say another thing with such shit logic, I'm gonna crush you."

The coldness in Chuuya's voice was enough of a threat for the copper-haired man to step down. Tachihara looked at him in slight surprise mixed with a considerate amount of fear. Not understanding why the executive behaved in such a manner. Even though he had the reputation for having a dangerous temper, never did he speak out with such hostility in his demeanor.

" Chuuya. I don't understand what he said wrong."

The woman , unfazed by his rigid features, stated in a calm tone.

"Ilaria was never trustable. It's not impossible that all this time she was here , was also a part of the plan. The Uccello has some qualified tacticians. It might be that everything until now was staged and as far as I've seen, Ilaria is capable enough of carrying out such missions without breaking a sweat-"

"That's not it Ane-san! It's true that she was a spy but she wasn't lying all this time ! "

The desperation in his face made the woman stop talking as she stared at him silently for a couple moments.

" Why are you so defensive?"

This time her expression changed as she looked at him in a stern manner.

" You've been working in the Mafia for a long time Chuuya. You know it's ways, the minds of the people working here. No one is honest . None of us. And just like us, Ilaria also gets paid for it. How can you say that she wasn't lying this time as well? It really makes sense , since then she would have been able to gather even more intel about our organisation."

Tachihara nodded vigorously , grateful that someone was taking his side. He himself had been wrapped in Ilaria Alessandro's schemes previously . Her skill for acting was beyond great. Even a commander as himself was unable to see the dense dark shadow underneath that utterly talkative person he was friends with and often shared a drink or two.

Hearing that she had suddenly disappeared, this was the only conclusion that came to his mind, that they had been deceived once more by that woman. But for some reason, his executive didn't seem to like the idea .

Chuuya was silent, staring at his shoes. His mind was in a state of chaos as he tried to connect the facts. He left out all the emotions that raged inside him , concentrating on the logic only.

But it didn't help. He can't share his thoughts reminding of the times he has been around Ilaria. True, she was incredible in pretending. But he was sure that it wasn't the fact this time.

Someone like the purple haired woman, would never expose their vulnerable state infront of their enemy. But she did.

The loneliness that lingered in her eyes couldn't have been a lie. No human is capable of doing that. She showed the genuine person that she was in front of him , without any masks , without drawing out any curtains.

The quiet , aloof and hot tempered person was really her . Though it quietened down after a certain period , Chuuya knew why.

No, it wasn't one of her perfectly fitted masks . The small and barely visible smiles, the slight tenderness swirling in her dark orbs were due to the broken state she was in.

The Chess Piece   ( Nakahara Chuuya x OC)Where stories live. Discover now