[ 12 ] One of Us

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Chuuya's POV:

I groaned a bit feeling the sunlight hit my eyelids.

Its morning already ?!

I didn't feel like moving . Much less waking up, until I felt something move against me. Barely opening my eyes , my vision still a bit unclear , I saw a flash of purple .

Purple ?

I woke up with in a snap . Last night's memories flooding in my vision . Some part of me probably wished that it wouldn't be real. But the constant weight and warmth on my body was telling something else.

I stared at her in awe, still a bit dazed . But there wasn't any scope of doubt when I can feel the slow breaths of Ilaria , who was curled up in a ball against my chest . And my arm , unknowing to me , still wrapped around her waist, lazily .
Her dark purple locks freely sprawled all over my hand .

I couldn't help notice , regardless looking unruly and untamed, the purple locks were so silky . Almost unnatural. The variety of earrings that clutched or hung around the rim of her ear , were glinting occasionally as the sunlight hit the silver . They weren't fancy. Neither colorful or eye catching . Just simple silver.

I sighed as my head hit the wall that I had fall asleep against , my gaze suddenly finding the ceiling very interesting .

Last night...

I didn't know what to think .

Frightening ? Astonishing? Annoying ?

Whatever it was , it wasn't something that I wanted to experience again. Not in a million years. Her screams and shouts were still ringing painfully in a my ears. Her tear stained face . Her pleas for death . No. I didn't wanted them to appear again.

I frowned , as I was drowning in my thoughts .

Even so , why did I help her ?

My gaze went back to her once again . She was still sleeping. Her lips parted a bit as her chest rose and fell in a rhythm. She looked... peaceful . Yet something told me , it was in years since she had slept this peacefully. My stare travelled across her features once more, noticing how weak she looked. Black and blue bruises blooming on her skin and countless gnashes and cuts.

It wasn't the first time , I noticed how uncaring and unbothered she was about herself . But there was something for what I can't help but admire her . Her fearless nature. I suppose it was stupid at times but still impressive . And that was what Mori wanted to destroy.

It was a strength , none of us could compare with. Something Port Mafia hadn't seen in years. She had something , we could never have.

I closed my eyes for a moment .

She isn't what she seems to be ... Perhaps, this darkness wasn't her nature. That's why she was afraid to die. Or at least afraid to die in her own hands. We have all killed and spilled blood. There was no confusion in that . Even though, she had always been different.

The Chess Piece   ( Nakahara Chuuya x OC)Where stories live. Discover now