[ 4 ]Entertainment

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Chuuya's POV

It had been such a boring day. Being the mafia executive wasn't that easy after all .

I had to take care of so many shitty things. Instructing the squads , handing out missions to underlings, supervising our shipments , drug dealings , barking at idiots , damn paperwork and finally reporting all these back to the boss.

I sighed. Its not like I'm someone who looks for trouble . But everything has been going a bit too much smoothly then I prefer it to be . Something amusing should happen at least once in a while.

I was walking along the ground floor aimlessly. I have had already send all my squads to their assigned missions. Until they returned and reported back to me , I had nothing to do.

What was that? I heard a sound coming from the training room. I walked over to take a look. The gate was opened ajar. I could hear someone breathing heavily and the rustling of the punching bag. It was rather vigorous .

I peaked inside . It was Mai. She was in her regular attire . Completely ridden in black, except this time , her hair was tied up in a ponytail. She stood in her bare legs. Her gloves were also removed. Her cheeks flushed red and drenched in sweat. She panted a couple of minutes before starting to punch and kick the punching bag brutally again. Determination was evident in her eyes. The bag was swishing one side to another from the force of her kicks. She isn't bad. A regular man wouldn't stand a chance with her.

It had been almost a week since she got back from her first mission with the Black Lizards. I still remember Ane-san shrieking when the whole assassination squad of the Mafia came back to report in her office. Soaking wet and tracking muddy footprints all across her expensive Turkish carpet.

It didn't need a genius to find out whose work was this. Not only that, she was going around the mafia telling anyone she could find that she might have sallowed a sea horse when the wave crashed on her. I've never seen such an annoying brat as this one.

A celebration followed after this mission was complete. We usually did't celebrate after such small jobs . But again , that woman insisted that she has never seen a Port Mafia celebration and somehow Tachihara also went along with her idea. She has nerve befriending a Black Lizard Commander. So surely , a celebration followed . But it was because no one wanted to hear her complaining . If she starts complaining once , there had no human been born who had the ability to stop her.

I didn't go to the club with them . But from I what I heard, it had been a total chaos . Our celebrations were usually mild and very much elegant . But this time, I had no idea what she deed , but she made every single person inside the club dance. Totally ruining our reputation. She also did a drinking competition with Tachihara and miraculously, she won! I heard they went more than twenty shots and at seventeen , Tachihara was completely knocked out. That woman can handle her drink .

The Chess Piece   ( Nakahara Chuuya x OC)Where stories live. Discover now