[ 9 ] Dogs of Mafia

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Ilaria's POV :

Chuuya bowed shortly before dragging me out of the room . I had no other way but go along with him . His grip on my hand was incredibly strong . More like as if he was pouring out all his anger through his hands .

The corridor of the Port Mafia headquarters had always been beautiful . Whether at night or in the morning . The gigantic windows were letting in the moonlight , making the corridor more beautiful and mesmerizing and as well as dangerous .

My mind was swirling around so many thoughts . Both good and bad but none of them excluded the Port Mafia . Eco was there , obviously. But this time , my eyes didn't water at his thought. But it didn't stop my heart from beating faster , almost in a painfully fast pace .  I knew why I didn't cry anymore. Cause there was no tears left in me except for that painfully beating heart .  I knew I was falling apart but my pride kept stringing the pieces together . I knew it was hard. And it was a matter of time these strings would snap .

I wasn't exactly looking where Chuuya was taking me before he came to a halt . I stopped too and looked ahead. It was a small room , it wasn't as lavish as the one that I used when I came here.
I didn't move and kept starring at the door when Chuuya stood in front of me , blocking my view. I didn't dare look at him and kept my sight down.

Something about Chuuya had always interested me . He wasn't like everyone else in the mafia . He wasn't someone who'd kill for fun or fame or money . His every action had an aura of dignityIt was quite amusing how someone like him was so concerned and caring  about his subordinates. I couldn't exactly describe him in words . But his presence had always been some way... comforting.

My thoughts didn't continue when I felt gloved fingers grasping my chin and tilted my head harshly . My gaze met with his sharp oceany eyes. His glare was burning into my sight.

"You better not try to do anything funny . My men will be watching. " He growled softly , still glaring straight in to my eyes.

The fear was so overwhelming. Yes , fear. Even I was having difficulty to understand what this feeling was. It was pure fear.
My body stiffen at his words.  Wait ! I was afraid ?! Afraid just because I was a prisoner ?

I couldn't stop the words that came out of my mouth in time .
" Or ? "

And I thoroughly regretted it. His movements were too fast and my restrained hands made it impossible to defend . I had no other option than to get a full hit of his knee in my stomach .
My body was already battered enough , causing my legs to fail to carry the weight of my body and kneel in front of him .

I shut my eyes tight as my breath became heavy and shaky.
Pain swelling across my abdomen . I concentrated on trying not cry out . I was hating every moment of this . Hating myself the most. I can't blame the Port Mafia . I have been the part of this underground world from a very long time and I knew its cruel methods. The treatment I  was getting was expected .

The Chess Piece   ( Nakahara Chuuya x OC)Where stories live. Discover now