[ 15 ] Kalon

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Third Person POV :

" The job was well done . " 

It was on a busy street of Yokohama , the two mafiosos were walking . The man with the fedora spoke , addressing the slightly shorter woman striding behind him . She merely nodded at his words as stashed her hands inside the pockets of her pants. 

It was excruciatingly warm today , the sun burning on her back made her even more exhausted and not to mention the fight she had earlier , even if a great victory , had left her tired .

Nakahara Chuuya stopped suddenly making the closed eyed woman crashing on his back and her fatigue further making her  topple backwards .

" WHAT IN THE WORLD ARE YOU DOING ?! " Ilaria shouted crossly looking up at the executive who slightly shook his head.  

" Okay , okay . I'm sorry about that . I should have warned you ."

" You realized now , did you ?" She grumbled , obviously still mad as she pushed herself up and brushed the dirt out of her clothes. " Now will please be kind enough to tell me WHY THE FUCK YOU STOPPED SO SUDDENLY ?! " 

" You didn't answer me . " 

Ilaria tried hard not to roll her eyes but eventually failed . " Seriously ?! That's not even- "

 She sighed disappointedly . " Fine I'll answer . Since its SO important to you ! YES !YES ! WE HAVE DONE A GREAT JOB ! WE CAN NEVER BE MORE PROUD !IT HAS BEEN A LEGENDARY VICTORY ! PEOPLE WILL REMEMBER US FOR YEARS AND YEARS ! OUR NAMES WILL BE WRITTEN IN HISTORY BOOKS ! "   She yelled flaying her arms dramatically in the air . 

"There you go . I answered . HAPPY ? " 

It was too much for executive who burst out in fits of laughter. If anything , it made the flushed woman even more mad. 

" And now you are laughing !!! " 

" I - I had to ! You are the greatest source of entertainment !" He snickered , trying to keep his laughter in control . 

The woman humphed , crossing her arms on her chest . " You think I'm funny huh ? " She glared daggers at the man . Even though extremely cross , a certain feeling was rising in her chest seeing the executive laughing at her . 

Almost like a relief . It felt foreign , yet pleasing and soothing . Was this happiness? Maybe . The triumphal feeling of pleasing someone, knowing that it was you who had brought the smile on their lips. Of course it was a foreign feeling for people like , who were more used to becoming the cause of people's dread and despair

" When happiness is shared it becomes double and when sadness is shared , it becomes half. "

A small , yet an unmistakable smile stretched out in her lips and her usual threatening gaze softened a little  . A relief took over her usual cold and rigid form .

" Yeah ! Legendary it was . " Chuuya said , glancing back at her.

He noticed the relaxed feature of the woman but didn't pointed it out. What it did was perhaps made him grin a little wider.

" Since , YOU are the one who caused a legendary victory worth to be placed in history books , how about a small present ?!"

Ilaria's relaxed eyebrows raised up a bit , her mouth parting a bit as well. Clearly confused.

"Present ? As in..... a gift ?" She asked . A hint of disbelief and hesitation taking over.

Chuuya's smile never flattered . " A gift ! Now don't tell me you don't like gifts ! "

The Chess Piece   ( Nakahara Chuuya x OC)Where stories live. Discover now