[ 18 ] At Sixes and Sevens

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Third Person's POV:

" Ow! Dammit Ilaria !Mind being a little more gentle ?! "

Ilaria rolled her eyes slightly as the man continued to complain .

" I AM being gentle , Chuuya ! Maybe if you'll keep your mouth shut , it would hurt less! " The woman huffed crossly but leaned closer to have better look . Gliding her hand through his bright coloured hair , pulling them back . His hairline became more satisfactorily visible for her and so did the thin wound that stretched along with it .

The woman furrowed her brows in concentration , her other hand holding a small ball of cotton , pressed slowly over the damaged skin , earning a wince from the executive .

She didn't stop the progress of her work . Since it took her quite a lot of time and yelling to convince Chuuya to sit down quietly so now she stood over him , tending  to his injury .

Even though it wasn't serious at all, she felt obligatory to make sure Chuuya wouldn't neglect it.  Leading from a mishap , she had a guilt feeling rising in her throat.

Earlier that day, both of them happen to have job at the same area of the criminal infested city of Yokohama . Though none of them had to work physically as both of them have proved to be a lot superior than to handle petty tasks as eradicating insignificant gangs of pathetic people trying to hamper the business of the Mafia.

They had been leading their teams , commanding and overlooking the whole process . Everything was going ever so smoothly until however , the woman felt a strong tug at her elbow pulling her off her feet and at the very moment something swished wickedly by her right ear and a ringing sound caused everyone to halt  their work . Unable to keep her balance from the sudden force , she stumbled . Bracing herself to be hit my the rocky ground , her body stopped midway as if  a hook was attached to her back preventing her from falling face down .

She blinked a couple times , trying to figure out what had happened .

A bullet had been fired.

At that point she noticed the red aura emitting from her body as well as from the arm tightly wrapped around her waist  .
Even so, the gravity manipulator haven't been as lucky .
Not being able to activate his ability in time , he had hit the ground the  with full force that resulted in the thin trail of blood visible through his messy bangs .

Still it didn't keep him from smirking at the surprised face of the woman who was looking at him worryingly .

" Had to save that pretty face of yours !"

He's mocking face was still flashing through her memory as she placed a plaster on the recently cleaned cut. And perhaps with a little more aggression than she meant to do.

" Ilaria ! That hurts ! "

Chuuya glared at her as she let go of his hair that hid the plaster from sight. The man frowned ,for the usual outburst he was expecting did not come . Rather the purple head turned away from his direction arranging all the medical supplies and carefully placing them inside the first aid .

She seemed to have not to heard him even though it was a silent wintery night.

Chuuya watched her for a moment with out uttering anything . Trying to understand the emotion behind the blank face as she worked on keeping things in place .

The silence wasn't awkward . But deep and sombre . She stopped in the middle of the moonlight bathed room . It looked like as if she was trying to figure what to do next. 

The Chess Piece   ( Nakahara Chuuya x OC)Where stories live. Discover now