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______________________c h a p t e r  s e v e n

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c h a p t e r  s e v e n

Carson woke up that morning to an empty house. Once again. Her parents' work schedules were something she got used to around the age of 9 , so she didn't really feel disappointed, just lonely. Well, she thought she was alone.

"Carson you really need to stop drinking that coffee," Ruby says.

"Grandma! What are you doing here?" she jumps, running over to her grandmother.

"Well I missed my favorite granddaughter. And your mom said she felt bad making you stay home alone all the time," she hugs the brunette.

"Now, get ready for school, It's like I'm not even here," she smiles, handing the girl a 20$ bill.


"Scott's coming over? Tonight?" Lydia asks.

"We're just studying," Allison says.

"Studying never ends with just studying. It's like getting into a hot tub," Lydia starts.

"Or the backseat of a car, "just to talk"," Carson suggests.

"Somebody eventually cops a feel," Lydia explains, as they walk up the stairs.

"So what are you guys saying?" Allison looks confused.

"I'm just saying, make sure he covers up," she says.

"Shouldn't be a problem: he got the 'wrap it before you tap it' talk in the ninth grade," Carson laughs.

"Hello Snow White, I'm talking about a condom," Lydia chuckles, noticing Allison's confused expression.

"Are you kidding? After one date?" she smiles.

"Don't be a total prude. Give him a little taste," Lydia smirks.

"Yeah you don't have to go all the way, just leave him wanting more," Carson and Lydia walk up the stairs, and a look of disgust crosses the brunette's face for a moment. "Can't believe we're discussing Scott."

"Well how much is a little taste?" she stops them.

"God you looove him don't you?" Lydia teases.

"Well it's just different. This year, I had a plan: no boyfriends til college, I just move too much, but then I met him, and it was different. I don't know, I can't explain it," she smiles.

"I can. It's your brain flooding with phenylethylamine," Lydia explains.

"What?" Allison and Carson say at the same time.

"I'll tell you what to do. When's he coming over?" she asks, ignoring the questions.

"Right after school," Allison responds.

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