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_____________c h a p t e r  f o u r t e e n

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c h a p t e r f o u r t e e n

School was boring, and since Carson was still ignoring the guys (mostly Stiles), she had very few people to talk to to. Luckily Lydia didn't hold grudges.

Eventually she, Lydia and Allison got to the mall to make up for the incident.

"What's wrong?" Carson asks, stepping into the escalator.

"Nothing, I just have a lot on my mind," Allison replies.

"You could smile, at least. Ever hear the saying, 'Never frown, someone could be falling in love with your smile.' Smile, Allison. I'm buying you a dress," Lydia comments.

"And I'm buying you shoes. I don't buy cheap shoes, you should be praising the Lord," Carson adds.

"Have to admit, as far as apologies go, that's more than I expected from the two of you."


"Absolutely wonderful."

"But not as much as I'm gonna ask," Allison smirks, hiding something behind her mischievous eyes.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"It means you're going to cancel on whatever dumb, roided up jock you said yes to, or in your case, yourself," she points between the two girls.

"And you're going to go with somebody else."

"Who?" they say at the same time.

"Him," she points to Stiles, who was currently sneezing on some perfume.

"No way. I'm not even friends with him right now, let alone his date!" Carson objects, loudly.

"And I don't even know him. He's like a total dork," Lydia adds. "Worse than Scott."

"And I don't see why I owe you so much, I wasn't the one smooching on your man," she exclaims.

"Well you were the one who acted like a total bitch that night at the school," Allison raises her eyebrows.

"I'm irritable in a crisis. Why does Stilinski get two girls on his arm and we get like 98 pounds of a guy?" she continues.

"Because this is what we call an apology, I'm sure you two are very unfamiliar with it," Allison condescends them.

"You are lucky we like you," they say, strutting to the boy, intimidatingly.

"Walk fast Stilinski, you've got a long day ahead of you. I hope you've been lifting weights," she locks arms with Lydia, walking over to the dress section with the brunette boy behind her.

"Weights? Why?" he asks, kinda happy she was finally speaking to him. His days were boring without her.

"You'll see in twenty seconds," she and Lydia start grabbing dresses, putting them in his arms.

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