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c h a p t e r  t w e n t y - f o u r

She wakes up next to Derek, with Lydia standing over them.

"Lydia what are you doing?" she groans, trying to stop the room from spinning. She just grabs both of their arms, placing them in Peter's hands. After, she turns the mirror to shine the moon into the grave.

He pierces his claws into her arm, making her eyes shift and her head pound.

"Ah! No, Lyds get me off of him!" she yells as she feels her energy being stripped away. It stops when Peter climbs out of the grave, and she passes out.


She opens her eyes to see Deaton staring at her. She gets up stumbling, and he helps her.

"Where's Derek? Is he alright?" she looks around.

"He's weak, but okay. He woke up a few minutes ago and left. But I need to talk to you," he says.

"You are gonna be weak, very weak. Have you fed tonight?"

"Fed? Like eaten? I had some spagh-"

"That's not what I mean. Your kind, they feed on the full moon, it's what makes your hair so shiny, skin so soft, and your energy so high."

"Can you define feed please?" she asks, dusting off her dress.

"It means to drink blood,"

"Am I a vampire? That's kinda cool. Wait, what?"

"No, you're a siren. Their characteristics mimic so many other creatures so that they're hard to find. And you do drink blood, but not as often as a vampire would," he explains.

"Wait, so that guy in my house last month? I didn't kill him, did I?"

"Based on what I saw, he was a hunter. And no you didn't kill him. You just drank and let him go."

"Okay so I'm a bloodsucking creature, how fun," she groans.

"It's not all bad, Carson. You age slower, heal faster, and you have the ability to make any man do whatever you want. But tonight, you want to stay away from all danger. I mean it, I know you get these feelings when someone you love is in a crisis but you need to ignore it. Peter stripped you of all your energy, meaning you're severely weak. No fighting, no shifting out, and certainly no healing."

"So if something happens to me tonight, then I won't heal like normal?"

"You'll heal like a human, now go home. I mean it, stay out of danger," he guides her to her grandmother's car.

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