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____________c h a p t e r   t w e n t y - o n e

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c h a p t e r t w e n t y - o n e

Carson wakes up the next morning with 30 missed calls from Stiles. Deciding to call him back while she gets ready for school, she is startled by his shrill voice.

"Do you not understand what an emergency is?" he screeches.

"Stiles, it is seven in the morning! What could possibly have been your emergency?" she sighs, washing her face.

"Uh, we sort of, maybe, kind of, kidnapped Jackson," he mumbles.

"You did what?" she yells.

"Shut up, some of us are sleeping!" Kyle shouts from his room.

"When are you going back to college?" she shouts back.

"He attacked Danny and it was our only chance to tell him what he is," he explains.

"So why did you call me?" she puts on her concealer, reminding herself to pick up some more on the way home.

"Because you know Jackson better than all of us, despite how much you hate him."


"And I needed you to fake text his parents!"

"Oh, well you should be fine as long as you don't get too personal or sappy," she shrugs, looking for her mascara.

"What's too sappy?" he asks as Kyle comes in her room.

"Dude, get out!"

"Dude, shut up!" he barges over to her vanity snatching her phone.

"Sorry Stiles, she can't help you right now, she's busy letting the rest of the house sleep," he hangs up.

"He had an emergency," she whines.

"Well you're interrupting my sleep. How am I supposed to train a bunch of annoying teenagers like you if I'm tired?" he sighs, referring to his recurring job at the gym.

"I honestly don't care. Like, you could tell me all of your "annoying teenagers" collectively decided to jump you, and I still wouldn't care," she goes back to her makeup. "Get out of my room."

"You're actually ridiculous," he slams her door, making her pictures fall off her dresser.

"He's such a dick," she picks them up, sitting back down.


"Good morning," Drew greets her with a coffee as Gina places a plate on the table.

"What happened this morning? So much commotion," Ruby smiles softly, somehow being the only one in the house without a hint of sleepiness present.

"I don't know, Kyle was being a jerk for no reason," she explains, glaring at him from across the table.

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