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c h a p t e r   t w e n t y - s i x

Carson goes to the Stilinski house with Stiles' dad, waiting for Stiles to appear.

"They're gonna find him, Mr. Stilinski," she assures.

"I know, it's just- You should go home, you have enough to worry about. You've got a gunshot wound," he suggests.

"I'm always gonna worry about your son," she chuckles. "And I know that he would do the same if it were me."

"In fact he would probably lead a search p-" he says as Stiles comes to the doorway. She goes to the kitchen to give them a chance to talk. Once Noah comes back out, she walks into her friend's room.

"Where were you? We were worried," she sits down on the bed.

"I'm sure you were," he mutters.

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"You do stuff like this all the freaking time! You ran off at the rave, you went to help at the police station even when you knew you couldn't defend yourself, you didn't tell anybody Tyler was in town even though he was constantly threatening you!"

"Does it matter? I'm still alive, not a scratch on my body, right? But you have a bruise on your cheek, and your lip is busted. That's the difference between us, Stiles. I knew I would heal, that's why I don't stress about dangerous situations," she explains.

"And what if you didn't heal? What if you died the other night? What was I supposed to do if you died? Huh? Take this stupid bracelet as a daily reminder that you aren't around anymore? Give some pathetic speech at your funeral about how extraordinary you were and go about my life?"

"What are you talking about?"

"Do you know what it was like that night of the dance? Watching the doctors desperately trying to save you, having your dad scream at me cause you were dead? What about the other night, huh? I had to sit in that stupid hospital just waiting for the bad news. Do you know what it's like to think that you're gonna lose the most important person in your life? To lose the only person you've ever loved?"

"Stiles-" she tries to say, suddenly bombarded with a flood of moments that made her feel for the boy standing in front of her.

"It, uh, brings out your eyes."

"Well I think you look beautiful."

"I don't want to be that annoying girl who needs someone to sleep with her, but can you stay?"

"Stiles, I'm fine. I'm right here, perfectly fine."

"You think I'm a hero?"

"No, I, uh, didn't mean to-" he's cut off by her phone ringing on his desk incessantly. He looks at it to see Isaac's name in bold letters.

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