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_________________c h a p t e r  t e n

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c h a p t e r  t e n

"And to think, I was coming here to give you a chance because I thought maybe this could work," she yells. "Did you even come to visit me? Or was that a lie too?"

"No-" he starts and she just scoffs, pushing him away from her. "No, I swear."

"Whatever," she starts to get out.

"Oh, so you're gonna let this go because I didn't buy you flowers? I could buy flowers, I could buy the whole store," he yells back.

"That's not the point. You lied to me. I don't date liars," she glares.

"But you're friends with them?" he rolls his eyes.

"What are you talking about?" she asks, halting her movements.

"Your buddies, Scott and Stiles. Anybody can tell they're hiding something, and deep down, you know it too," he swims closer to her.

"Oh you are ridiculous. They have nothing to do with this," she frowns.

"You see that look in your eyes? It means you're lying to yourself. You make excuses for Stiles but not anybody else? May I ask why?" he leans closer.

"You're a jerk," she stands her ground.

"Alright well, since I'm such a jerk, I hope you have another ride home," he climbs out.

"You're leaving me here at almost ten at night?" she furrows her eyebrows.

"Well yes, hence the whole 'other ride' thing," he smirks, walking out of the school.

"Asshole," she mumbles, looking for her phone.

"You've got to be kidding me," she frowns, hearing the car start.


Meanwhile, Allison walks into the school, searching for Scott. Walking into the pool, she runs into the brunette pacing the room while anxiously running her hands through her hair.

"Oh, thank god," Carson sighs.

"What are you doing here? Where is Scott?" she asks.

"Scott's here? I was swimming with Tyler and then he ditched me. I think I left my phone at home, I've been looking for it everywhere," she explains.

"Explains why you weren't answering Lydia's phone calls. Scott texted me to come here," Allison says as her phone starts ringing. 

"Stiles?" she answers.

"No, it's me. Where are you right now?" Scott responds.

"On the first floor..." she answers.

"Where? Where exactly?" he asks.

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