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_________________c h a p t e r  f i v e

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c h a p t e r  f i v e

Successfully getting Derek arrested, Stiles and Scott drive away from the Hale house.

"Didn't you have something to do for Carson?" Scott remembers.

"Yes, and judging by the twenty messages she left, she's not very happy with me," he hands Scott his phone.

"She texts really fast. Is that a real word?"

"Yes, I looked it up, and it's very offensive. Also she was asking about you, said you were acting weird. You know, in order to keep this secret, you're gonna have to act normal," he continues.

"How Stiles? Everything in my life is changing," he leans his head back as they keep driving.

"I know man, I know," he pats his shoulder.


Meanwhile Carson was still reeling from her long night.

"Good morning," she opens the car door for Allison.

"Morning, how was your night?" the pale girl puts on her seatbelt.

"Tiring, can we get some coffee?" Carson starts driving.

"Of course, why are you so tired?" she chuckles.

"I was up all night trying to figure out my math project," she sighs.

"It's not due till Monday," she responds.

"Yeah but I leave town Sunday morning for my dad's award ceremony and I have swim today, plus the game tonight," she explains.

"Are you ever not busy?"

"No. Stiles was supposed to help me, because I literally understood nothing about these stupid shapes, but he ditched, without as much as a text," she groans, pulling up to the coffee shop.

"He doesn't seem like the type to bail?"

"He's not. He's the most reliable person I know, but lately... He's been different."

"Can I get two large vanilla lattes with a double shot of espresso and one caramel iced coffee," she asks the barista.

"I love your outfit," the barista says to Carson.

"Oh, thank you!" she responds.

"You're gonna be wired," Allison laughs, a bit surprised Carson knew she liked that drink.

"Better than half dead," she shrugs, taking the receipt.

Grabbing the tray and walking back to the car, the girls continue to chat.

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