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______________c h a p t e r  t w o

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c h a p t e r t w o

As she was attempting to get ready, her phone starts ringing off the hook. After the fourth time hearing, "Replay," she decides to pick up.

"Carson!" she finally answers the phone, hearing Stiles' shrill tone.

"Is there something you need?" she questions, laughing as she puts on her heels.

"You can't go to the party," he yells.

He'd been worried, to say the least. He knew Carson lived down the street from Lydia, which meant the odds of her not being at the party already were very slim. He was lucky he'd called when he did. Now he just had to keep her safe. Somehow.

"Will you stop yelling? And why not?" she stops, pulling the phone away from her ear.

"Because it's dangerous! I don't want you to get hurt," he says, mumbling the last part.

"Stiles, I know the dangers of teen drinking, you're very sweet though," she laughs, looking for her mascara. "You know I never drink and drive. And I don't take drinks from guys unless it's you or Scott. I'll be okay."

"That's not what I meant, Carson. Scott-" he starts to tell her everything he'd found out about Scott, but thinks back to his previous encounter with their friend, and just how crazy he'd sounded. There was no way she'd believe him.

"Fine, just be aware of your surroundings," he grumbles, tightening his grip on the steering wheel.

"I always am, you know I have impeccable vision," she grabs her keys.

"Alright," he hangs up.

"Weirdo," she giggles.

Passing the mirror on her way out, she smirks. "I am so hot. " She picks up her keys, grabbing a leather jacket on the way out.


"Carson!" Lydia yells into the phone.

"I am getting real tired of hearing that tonight," she groans.

"Where are you?" the girl yells.

"I'm two minutes away Lydia, you live down the street," she says getting in the car, trying to start it.

"Make that ten, my car battery died. I need to get a ride. I refuse to walk in these heels," she tells the girl, hanging up.

"Stiles, are you at the party yet?" she calls the boy.

"No, I'm like two houses down from your house," he looks around.

"Great! Can you pick me up? My car battery died," she asks.

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