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________c h a p t e r   t w e n t y - f i v e

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c h a p t e r t w e n t y - f i v e

Carson opens her eyes to see Tyler, again.

"Tyler?" she yells, reaching for the help button.

"Ah, ah, ah. I just want to talk," he yanks the button away.

"What could you possibly want to talk about?" she groans.

"Come on, I've been in town all this time and I still haven't killed that annoying spaz. Don't I deserve a chat after that?" he shrugs.

"You're coming with me," he drags her out of bed, sneaking out of the hospital.

The boys run in the room shortly after, seeing no trace of their friend or Tyler.


"Why are we at the Hale house?" she shivers.

"Because we need to chat," he sighs.

"What do you want to say?"

"You deserve an explanation. Peter, the alpha, is my dad, and he told me to get close to you so I could get close to Scott. I did, and I swear I didn't think he wanted you dead. But then he told me I didn't have a choice and I had to kill you," he explains.

"You had to?" she scoffs.

"Look, I was adopted when I was born. And he had just got back in touch with me and I just wanted to make him happy. I really liked you Carson, I swear," he tries to grab her hand.

"Kinda sad, you know. Trying to please your dad and when he comes back from the dead he doesn't even tell you. Must hurt," she smirks, striking a nerve.

"He didn't have to tell me. I knew the plan."

"That's nice, I'm going back to the hospital now."

"Not yet," he glares, gripping her arm tightly.

"The last guy who grabbed me like that nearly died."

"I guess we're not that different, huh?"

"I heard your story, just let me go," she begs, feeling herself losing control.

"Not until you really listen. I liked you a lot, and I just want another chance. I know you care too, because you haven't told the police I'm back," he says.

"One, I didn't tell the cops because I didn't want my friends dead. Two, I didn't even care about you then, let alone now. Three, I can tell you're lying to me," she sneers.

"You really know how to make a guy angry, babe. I mean, maybe I should just finish what I started two months ago," he digs his claws into her arm.

She just clenches her jaw, teeth grinding against each other.

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