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________________________c h a p t e r  s i x

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c h a p t e r s i x

The morning starts like any other, with the brunette waking up, washing her face and starting her morning routine.

Feeling indecisive between the lighter nude and pinker one, she grabs one with her eyes closed, picking the one she was leaning towards anyway.

"Hey honey, I made waffles," Gina pokes her head in the door as Carson finishes her makeup.

"Okay, I'll be down in a few," she nods, starting to flat iron her hair. 

Finishing her outfit with an approving look in the mirror, she walks downstairs, ready to start the week.


Stepping into Beacon Hills High, Carson immediately gets pulled over by a much shorter strawberry blonde.

"We're going out Friday," she bluntly remarks, before looking over her outfit.

"Did you just check me out?" she muses, and Lydia rolls her eyes. "I didn't think you swung this way."

"Don't flatter yourself. Cute skirt."

"Thank you. So who are we hanging out with?" she inquires as they walk over to their lockers.

"Allison, Jackson, Scott, and Tyler," she puts on some lip gloss, handing the tube to the brunette.

"Thanks. Um why is Tyler going? We're not dating, therefore no dates. Triple or otherwise," she looks in the mirror.

"Then you would be a fifth wheel. So unless you want to go with, what's his name-" Lydia snaps, "Miles! Unless you want to go with him, Tyler will be your date," Lydia smiles.

"It's Stiles, and he'd probably just flake out. I could just not go. I need more time to prepare for a Scott and Jackass showdown. And don't you think Allison would want a date alone with Scott? They just got together," she whines, grabbing her chemistry textbook.

"Whatever, Carson. You're going. Let's get to class," the girl leads her down the hallway.

Sitting in their seats, the girls start chatting about the latest party, while Scott and Stiles mumble in the back of the class about his dream.

Hearing the whispers, Carson listens in on Scott and Stiles' conversation.


"No... stopped... little werewolf oven!"

Assuming they were talking about some stupid sci-fi show, she stops being nosy and pays attention to Harris.


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