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Media is a pic of Soo hin's living room.👆


Lyrics: ~ I see a colorful future, where the skin , don't define any human~


It didnt take long for Jimin's face to beam , suddenly feeling all happy and light.

Haneul had returned from the room, wearing a confused face when she suddenly felt the change in her soulmate's emotions and not to talk about his smile.

The other arrived just after she left , carrying takeouts and all.

And now they are having dinner on their usual dining area, loud chatters and laughter's filling the room.

"Oh did you find your wallet?"

Namjoon asks,taking a bite his chicken
Yoongi nods

"Yeah, turns out I had left it in my room"

"Oh , turns out we wrongly accused Jin hyung"

Jimin laughs

"Jin hyung!"

Jungkook hollers just as the eldest appears from the kitchen with a bowl of hot soup, steam hovering above it

"What is it?"

He coos  ,setting it down in the middle of the table .

"It seems some people owe you an apology for wrongly accusing you of stealing Yoongi's wallet "

Hoseok laughs

"Oh I said it!Now I'm vindicated, y'all owe me!"

He huffs dramatically, putting his hands on his waist .

"Not me, I didn't accuse you "

Taehyung cowers away , trying to get himself out of whatever was about to happen
"Me neither "
Jimin joins him, the rest laugh silently .

Jin glares at the two , cocking an annoyed brow at them .

"No you are part, you two did! Especially Hoseok and Namjoon "

He jabs his finger at them , the rest laugh .

"I'm the only innocent one here "

Yoongi bluntly states with a shrug.

Jin scoffs with disbelief as the others laugh.

"Oh no, you aren't "

"Hey let the leader be the judge here man!"

Namjoon chimes in with a smug look.

They laugh

"Oh no!"


Jin sharply protests in unison with Jimin.

"Don't pull your leader card on me young man, its not working ."

They laugh

"Can the youngest just decide?!"

Jungkook raises his right hand with puppy eyes , lips puckered.

They all groan


"Oh come on~"

He whines, Jin waves him off

"Can my smile just decide ?"

Hoseok chimes in, cupping his face with his hands , a bright smile on his lips.
Some grunt , some laugh.

I Feel Your Pain!(Min.Yoongi )Soulmate Au Where stories live. Discover now