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The bedroom👆


I had a weird dream that had me jolting up with a start. I instantly regretted it as pain shot through my head. Groaning I dragged myself to the headboard and leaned my back against it. It wasn't long until my sensitive nose picked up the woodsy smell that filled the surrounding.

I began to look around frantically at the change of scenery. The first thing  ced was the brown oak scenery. I was sitting on a bed with white and scream sheets , the duvet covered up to my waist. The floor was made of the same brown oak as well as the dressing mirror and even the drawers at my left ,adjacent the mirror. The ceiling was white with the walls almost light gold. A large lamp was set on a nightstand with the same brown oak. The room was so well furnished and had this homie feeling to it. Just simple and homie.

There were white plain curtains hanging on the windows , waving back and forth as the chilly air seeped through .

Confused , I tried remembering something but it was blur and kept increasing my headache. "Ow" I groaned and began to message my temples.

For a moment , I thought I should go and find out where I was , my mind instantly reeling with negative thoughts when all of a sudden , the door opened as an unfamiliar woman entered.

I met her eyes and she shot me a friendly smile. She looked like she was in her early forties , dressed in a blue floral zip front knit dress , a sweater with slides and socks , definitely due to the cold. I watched as she placed an overbed table made of the same brown oak and then placed the tray of food on it. My nose caught the delicious smell of food , few side dishes and a glass of water. She smiled , attempting to leave when I instantly yelled a "W-wait!"

She stopped a bit taken aback but smiled when I asked "uh....where am I? Who brought me here ?" I questioned desperately.

Without a word , she fished our out a small notebook and a pen and wrote something before turning it to me.

-You are at a lake house in Daegu.Master brought you here

It read. I was so stunned that I could hardly utter a word which she took that as her cue to exit.

"W---" the words died in my throat.
The woman was mute. Reluctantly , I looked down at the foot,the steam wafting into my nose. There was a pill and it had me assuming that whichever master she was talking about really did care or maybe its the complete opposite. I could not trust anyone. However the woman did not give me a reason to not trust her and plus,I was hungry so I did one thing.....I ate it.

It was delicious it maybe I was actually too hungry just as the saying goes that a hungry man does not know the taste of a food. I did not even care. Taking the pills , I instantly got ready to either escape or find out how the hell I got to Daegu from Seoul.

My feet hit the gray carpet ,I rounded up the bed slowly towards the door ,stumbling as I felt a bit  dizzy and light headed.

I opened the door which gave out a screech , causing me to cuss a bit.  The hallway was short with a few antique paintings but no frames. I took my right and instantly came faced with the most beautiful but yet traditional scenery of a living room. There were oak sofas at the far end , the dining area was just in front of me with a brown oak table and chairs , a simple kitchen with counter all made of brown oak. The ceiling was gold in colour with oak wooden bars,lamps and chandeliers glowing grown from it. The floor was neat and sleek. I liked it.

I Feel Your Pain!(Min.Yoongi )Soulmate Au Where stories live. Discover now