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Song: The Night



Lyrics: When face to face with all our fears, learned our lessons through the tears, make memories we know will never fade.

"We haven't been allowed inside to go and see him after the surgery but he's still unconscious"

I listen to the conversation, every part of my heart hurts. Crying too much has done me no good, I have cried so much that my chest has began to tighten painfully.

"I'm really sorry man, I just heard the news about Yoongi and called to find out how he is doing. The boys are very worried as well". Jackson sighs , staring at his hand that held the phone.

I hear Namjoon hum from the side of the line. "I know, it happened so suddenly , it was a shock to us all...we are just hoping he'll wake up by dawn" .

Namjoon's voice sounds distressed. His deep baritone voice I had heard the day I met him was a vast contrast to this one that held some dimness and worry. After I was done telling Jackson a lot of everything I had been hiding, I was still persistent. I don't know but I really feel a tug , I wanted to see Yoongi so badly.

So to ease my thoughts, Jackson had called Namjoon who narrated everything.
It was all my fault , one single mistake has affected Yoongi and even the others. There is some part of me afraid, afraid that these people will hate me if they find out. But that I can deal with it . However, I'm more afraid of what Yoongi will think.

What if he hates me?
What if he thinks I did all that to hurt him so he will let go of the bond?

If anyone hates me, I can take it but I can never take it if Yoongi hates me.

The last encounter we had, I most definitely threatened him that I was going to make him let go of the bond and me.

A sob rips through and it takes a while for me to know that I'm barely holding myself together. Jackson's head whips up , his eyes wide and I quickly cover my mouth with my palm, muffling my cries.

I can't hold it together anymore, I'm a crying mess.

It seems I had zoned out of their conversation thinking about my fears. "U-uh, Namjoon, I'll leave you to go back to the boys and call you tomorrow. We hope that Yoongi will get better. Please keep us updated so we can know if he's OK , we are all very worried".

"Alright, I will ....Thanks man, for the care"

"Don't mention it , you know I'm a universal lover ".

Jackson replies with a cocky grin , I can hear Namjoon's deep chuckle.

"Whatever you annoying ass"


The line dies even before Jackson can make any snarky comeback at Namjoon. He begins to grumble low insults and under normal circumstances , I would find their interaction funny but I didn't even have it in me to different humor from seriousness.

My sniffle catches Jackson's attention , he looks at my face , his eyes softening with pity. I don't like that look. I don't want to be pitied.

"Soo Hin"

I Feel Your Pain!(Min.Yoongi )Soulmate Au Where stories live. Discover now