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Song: Truth Untold


Bts -Vocal line

Lyrics: U know that I can't show you me,give U me. I can't show U a run down part of myself.
I wear a mask again and go to see u. But I still want U


I was a fool, no I still am. Why was I so stupid and pathetic sometimes? I had almost...no completely forgotten that Jackson said he was awake ,he was out of unconsciousness.

But the harm was done, I had woken him up from his sleep and those eyes....

Gosh...those dark, obsidian cat eyes were now boring into my light brown ones.

My eyes were wide with terror,mouth gone dry ,throat clogged and body frozen. I was trapped,completely trapped.

The bond was humming its tune in sync with my heartbeat. I was melting under those pleasurable fireworks I felt at his touch.

The bond felt so alive and buzzing .

I was confused. How? We never stayed together long enough for it to become this strong.

I was in a trance but when he squeezed my wrist ,tightening his hold,rubbing the pad of his thumb behind my hand, I snapped out of my daze.

I tried to retract my hand forcefully,dizziness striking me as the feelings the bond was giving me were overwhelming.

A nauseating feeling was building in my  stomach.

I tried to yank my hand but he tightened his hold, slipped his hand from my wrist into my palm itself. I melted.
Damn it, i knew I was close to throwing up...no ,I wanted to throw up.

My eyes snapped to our entwined hands, his hand was small but between  to him and myself,I don't know who's is bigger. My fingers were just straight and slim and my skin created a vast contrast to his pale one.

I was tanned and he was dead pale. I stared at his hand,it was beautiful.

There was an unspoken tension,nothing moved and even the crawl of an ant could be heard. None of us ready to break the silence. Then I did...

"Yoongi" My voice was below a whisper , I was ignoring his gaze. My eyes shut as I took an intake to calm my heart. His touch was doing things to my insides.

"Why did you do it". My breath hitched,eyes flying opened to stare at him wide eyed.

"Why did you do it all Soo Hin?"

My breathing quickened. I began to tremble. He looked angry, confused and pained.  His brows were creased and it seemed he had come to believe it...my biggest fears.

My mouth opened but no words flew out. My throat was constricted.


I managed to choke out as my world began to span.

This was it ,this was what I was afraid of. It was happening, he must hate me now. I needed to leave, I needed an escape.

I looked around , my mind hazy as the only thing I could think of was getting away. This was what I knew to do. Run away from my problems. I am a coward.

Just then his grip loosened a bit and I yanked my hand out of his hold and retreated abruptly, almost tripping on my own foot in the process. Yoongi shot up in alarm as if to grab me but I was far out of his reach. He groaned , face contorting into a pained one.

I Feel Your Pain!(Min.Yoongi )Soulmate Au Where stories live. Discover now