
825 30 14

Song: Reset


Tiger Jk ft Jinshil

Lyrics:  There's an empty world
           Deep in my heart,save me
I wanna reset,I wanna reset ...

Chapter unedited


That is what Yoongi feels , his whole muscles scream in exhaustion after an agonizing day ,full of misteps during his dance practice.

The day was going so well until at around twelve after lunch break that he feels a sharp sting at his cheek.

The action almost sent him twisting his angle .

Whilst the others busily danced , Yoongi had stopped abruptly with a wince.

His hand flying to the spot.

It didn't take long for him to feel another burn in his scalp,as if something is pulling his hair harshly then at his thigh , there was another pain felt there.

A set of emotions , fear and utter terror struck him and his heart sped up.

The urge to clutch onto his chest became tempting .

There was a strong hold at his jawline.

He felt everything so real , every touch as if it was happening directly to him.

For a long time, he was unaware of his surrounding, he hasn't even taken note of the fact that the music has stopped and everyone of the members were staring at him as the dance teacher continued to call his name.


Taehyung nudged him ,being the closest.

He snapped out of it , meeting the stares .

"Yoongi ?"

He looked at the man , now noticing him.

"Why have you stopped ?"

Yoongi glanced at the other worried faces before shaking his head .

"Nothing hyung-nim "

"Are you sure ?"

He sent him a skeptical look .

"Yes, just a mild headache , but its gone now "

He lied .

The man hummed, eyes scrutinizing him before gesturing to the others who looked reluctant to proceed ,knowing a member is not feeling so well.

But they did either way.

"Alright boys, let's take it again"

And he did it throughout the pain,overwhelmed by the emotions he's feeling .


He runs a hand at the side of his cheek, seated at the edge of his bed leaning against  the headboard , one leg propped up with the other one foot on the floor.

His head feels as if its intentionally being drummed on.

His phone is held in his left hand that lays against his proposed up leg's knee.

There is the numerous faint voices of the others due to his shut door.

A knock sounds against his door.

I Feel Your Pain!(Min.Yoongi )Soulmate Au Where stories live. Discover now