Chapter 6

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"Words like this" - Normally talking

"Words like this "- Reads mind (Sometimes it can be like this: 'Words like this' )

'Words like this' - thinking

"Words like this" - talks telepathically

"Words like this" - Change of POV

♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~ ♥~♥~♥

"Hey! (y/n)!" My dad knocked on my door. "Whaaat?!" My dad opened my door and went inside. "No hello? Or hugs? What happened?" "Well, uh- nothing." I reminded myself of the hug. I groaned. "Tell me or I won't get it. You're frustrated or sad? Tell me." "No, no. It's just- Saiki." "What about him? Did he do something to you? Did he threaten you? What did he do to my precious daughter that made her like this-" "He hugged me. I mean I know me and him are friends, but my heart started racing for some odd reason." "Ohh, so you're falling in love-" I cut him off with my finger shushing his mouth. 

"No, I am not in love with a friend. I'll tell you everything that happened today if you cook me something good." "Deal. What do you want to eat? Do you want Yakisoba?" I nodded. We head downstairs and dad was cooking while I told him everything except the thing that happened on the rooftop. After telling him everything we started eating and our doorbell rang. "Huh? Who could that be?" "I font knofw. (I don't know.)" "Chew your food first then talk you, you dumb child." He smacked me with a rag. I chewed my food and went to get the door.

 "Huh? Oh, hello Mrs. Saiki!" "Hello (y/n)! Ku and I brought some onigiris for you guys. Is your dad home?" I welcomed them in and held Saiki's hand. "Dad! Get two more plates ready! We have guests!" "Who is it (n/n)?!" "It's Mrs. Saiki and Kusuo!" We got to the living room and I told them to wait here. "Oh! Hello, Kurumi, Kusuo. I see you guys made some delicious food! Do you want to join us for dinner?" "That would be lovely! Isn't that right Ku?" Mrs. Saiki said to Kusuo. He looked at me and nodded. We went to the kitchen and sat down. "Saiki do you like yakisoba?" "I'm not really picky when it comes to food. So it's fine."  I just nodded. 

(this is Yakisoba in case you didn't know :D) 

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(this is Yakisoba in case you didn't know :D) 

"So, Kusuo. You and (y/n) are dating-" I glared at my dad. "Yes, we are sir. Is that ok with you? We actually came here to ask your permission for that."  "You seem to be a good boy and I know my sweet daughter is in good hands." It was a very pleasant evening. After eating me and Saiki were cleaning the dishes and let the two adults talk about their thing. "Uh, so- does your mom know?" "About us? Well, kind of. I didn't tell her we're pretending. Did you tell your dad?"  I decided to talk to him telepathically. "Yeah, I told him everything cutting the thing with pinning me to the wall and being late for class." "Oh. Sorry for pinning you to the wall. Are you ok?" "Yeah, I'm fine. The impact didn't hurt that much."  He hummed. "So, starting from tomorrow we're a thing. Right?"  He nodded drying off the last plate.

 We went to the living room and Mrs. Saiki started getting ready to leave. "We should start heading home. Don't you think, Ku? We're really sorry for intruding." Dad smiled. He hasn't smiled in a long time. I love seeing him happy and I'm glad he is. "No, no! It's alright! At least I got to finally meet my daughter's boyfriend..! Thank you for coming again and for the delicious food!" "Oh! I have an idea! Since Ku and (y/n) are going together to school tomorrow, he should sleepover! I'll bring over his clothes. Is that okay (D/n)?" (D/n is dad's name :D) "Hmmm, yes that would be a wonderful idea!" "I- What?"  Me and Saiki said telepathically in unison.

 "Wouldn't it be nice? You two better don't do anything." "DAD! We're not like that! geez...C'mon Saiki, my room is upstairs." I took his hand and pulled him upstairs. "You can call me Kusuo."  I turned and looked at him. "Is that ok? Are you sure you want me to call you by your first name?"  He nodded. "I am your boyfriend after all."  I blushed at that comment he said and gave him some of my dad's clothes. "I'll just teleport to get my school clothes."  I sat down on my bed and waited for Saiki to come back. 

Three minutes later he came back with his school clothes and pajama's on already. I used my apport ability and changed my father's clothes with two spoons and two coffee jellies. I heard my dad shout from downstairs. "(y/n)!!! What did I say with using powers at home?!" "Sorry, Dad!" I gave Saiki his coffee jelly. "Thanks."  We ate the coffee jelly and I threw the plastic cups away and I went downstairs and put the spoons in the sink. I went back upstairs and closed my door. I turned to look at Saiki but he was in front of me. To be exact our noses were touching. I tried stepping back but I forgot there was a door behind me. "W-what's wrong? Are yo-you okay? Kusuo?" He stepped back and smiled. "Huh? What are you smiling a-about Sai- Kusuo?" 

(Imagine he's smiling at you like that)

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(Imagine he's smiling at you like that)

"Why are you smiling at?" I asked him. "You look... Cute." "Wha-" He pulled me closer to him and kissed me. My eyes widened, but I slowly gave in. after 3 minutes he broke the kiss to take a breather. I was red as fuck, and I couldn't talk. 'Why did he kiss me? He doesn't like me that way so why? AHHHHHHHH! He's confusing me! (y/n) get back to your senses and ask!'  "You know I can read your thoughts right now right?"  "W-What?! O-oh... W-well, then. Why?" "I needed to make it realistic. My brother is watching us right at this moment with his drone outside your window."  "O-oh, O-okay." I was woozy and I was feeling really weird. Butterflies were everywhere in my stomach and I was very red. Saiki broke his brother's drone and laid beside me. "Is it ok if I lay here?"  I nodded and he spooned me and we fell asleep.


WOOHOO! Two chapters in one day! I'm sorry for the delay in the story I hope you liked it! I'll post chapters 7 and 8 in 2/4 days so stay tuned! Pls vote comment and follow :< I would love that >_<!


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