Chapter 10

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"Words like this" - Normally talking

"Words like this "- Reads mind (Sometimes it can be like this: 'Words like this' )

'Words like this' - thinking

"Words like this" - talks telepathically

"Words like this" - Change of POV

♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~ ♥~♥~♥
(Saiki's Pov)

"Hello Kusuo, here for your date?" "Yes sir. Is she ready?"  "(y/n)!! Your boyfriend is here!" He glanced at me and smiled. "Be right there, dad!" (y/n) shouted from upstairs. When she came down she wore a (f/c) dress with some skin-colored tights. "Hello, Kusuo." She said my name happily while I put my hand out for her to hold.

"Hi. You look beautiful, (y/n)." She blushed lightly on my comment and I smiled a little. 'She looks adorable when she blushes.' I thought to myself. "Be back by 10. No where later, understood?" I nodded and took her to the park. She looked at the scenery in awe. "It looks so beautiful here. Thank you for bringing me here, Saiki." "Call me Kusuo, like I told you to call me." She smiled and nodded.

After a while of walking through the park we sat down on a bench by some Sakura trees. I was still holding her hand. "Hmm, something isn't right here." I hummed as a response and looked at her. She took my hand and intertwined it with hers. I looked away slowly and looked down. My face was burning. 'How can she make me feel this way? Why is there a tingling feeling in my stomach? They call this butterflies but..' I cut off my thoughts and shrug it off. Maybe it's just a temporary thing.

(y/n's Pov)

I smiled a bit knowing that Saiki took me to the park for our first date. I didn't want to intrude his thoughts so I cancelled my telephatic ability.

(I'm sorry if the name of the ability was wrong- I'm writing on my phone and it sucks-) We sat down on a bench and I noticed something. He was still holding my hand. I blushed a little and smiled. "Hmm, something isn't right here." I said and Saiki hummed as an answer. I smirked a little and showed him his hand as I intertwined mine with his. He looked away and I swear I saw a tint of pink on his face. But I didn't bother to ask. It was a comforting silence and we both liked it.

"Do you wanna grab lunch?" He asked me. "I thought you'd never ask." We started walking to a restaurant nearby the park and sat down outside. The waiter took our orders. "So, that's going to be (f/d) - (fav. Drink) and (f/f) - (fav. Food). And for you sir?" He asked Kusuo and he ordered his food and we waited. "Um, so. Why did you want to go on a date with me?" "I wanted to spend some time with my girlfriend. Why?"

He said in his monotone voice. Him addressing me as his girlfriend made my heart skip a beat. I know it's fake but who can blame me? I think I'm starting to like this guy. The waiter brought us our food and we ate and talked about our interests and how we'll deal with the whole fake dating thing. "So you like cats, huh?" I nodded and he just nodded in agreement with me. "I have a cat that visits me now and then. He's pretty annoying, but I'm sure you'll get along with him just fine." He took a sip of his lemonade and looked at me. "Is there something on my face, Kusuo?" He shook his head no and called for the waiter again. "I'm ready to pay." He said. "Wait what- no. Split the bill. I wanna pay." "Let me pay, I took on this date after all. I want you to have fun. Don't stress about it." He caressed my hand and reassured me that it's ok. I blushed and huffed in annoyance. After he payed we started walking again. "Where do you wanna go? We can go to Disneyland if you wanna." My eyes sparkled. Disneyland?! I mean I never went there even if I have my psychic abilities and I wouldn't have anyone to go with. Unless it's going to be my dad. "Are you okay with it though? I don't want you to be uncomfortable while I have a blast all alone." "If you wanna go, then I'll go with you." Those words made my heart stop. Ahhhh this boy is melting me!!! He head to an alleyway and teleported to Disneyland.

(Saiki's Pov)

We teleported to Disneyland and I saw her wear the biggest smile any girl would have in her life. I loved that smile. I just didn't admit it to myself. I already had feelings for this other psychic girl and I didn't admit it to myself. Why? I'm not the guy who just goes telling a girl how I think about her. Plus it's weird. I started hearing a voice in my head, a familiar one to be exact. It was (y/n)'s. "I wonder if I look okay? Did I smudge my lipgloss when I was eating? Is my hair messy? Did I over exaggerated with my clothes? Does Saiki think I'm a weirdo?" I silently chuckled at her thoughts and held her hand as we went to buy some cotton candy. "Huh? Why all of a sudden, Kusuo?" "Do you want cotton candy or not?" She thought about it for a solid 3 seconds when she said, "Yes, I do want cotton candy. I was actually craving for it." I laughed at her comment as she looked at me.

(Y/n's Pov)

Saiki laughed at my comment and I looked at him. He just laughed. He usually never does that. I just giggled as he questions why I'm giggling. "Oh, no no it's nothing really. Let's go get some candy!!!" I said excitingly as I pulled him to the cotton candy stand.

"I see you're enjoying yourself. I'm glad." Saiki looked at me softly. It was currently 6 pm in Japan so the hour in France would be... 11 am. (I needed I use France because of the time zones heehheehehe) Even if it's pretty early here the amusement park is pretty packed with people.

After a few more hours with playing around and riding rides in the amusement park it was time to go home. Current time was 8:30 pm in Japan. "Hey, Kusuo we should get going. Let's watch the sunset in the park that we went to. "Sure, let's head back home. We don't wanna get late by curfew right?" He said. We hid behind Mickey Mouse and teleported back to the park. There weren't many people so we were lucky. We sat by that bench we sat at before and watched the sun setting. "Hey, (y/n)? I've got something to tell you." "Hm? What is it?" "I like..."


You can read my MIND?! Saiki Kusuo X Reader (discontinued... [yes again.])Where stories live. Discover now