Chapter 18 (pt.1)

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Heheh I'm back with chapter 18-! Before you guys attack me for not posting- I went to vaccinate myself-!! Oh and my arm was and still is in pain... So I couldn't write chapters in my notebook- but I finished it before so here ya goo- it's pretty chaotic so bear with me.. (did you see the pun? Yes? HAHA IM HILARIOUS 😂)



"Words like this" - Normally talking

"Words like this "- Reads mind (Sometimes it can be like this: 'Words like this' )

'Words like this' - thinking

"Words like this" - talks telepathically

"Words like this" - Change of POV

♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~ ♥~♥~♥

Morning.. (y/n's Pov)

I woke up with the sun rays beaming from the windows.. I sat up and felt a pair of arms around my waist. 'Wait.. What happened last nigh- Oh no.. No, no, no, no, noo!!!' I look over the sheets to see the person hugging me and sighed in relief. 'Thank god.. It's Kusuo.'  Saiki grunted.. "Who else do you think it was..?" He said with his groggy morning voice. 'Wait.. He spoke. HE USED HIS-' "Yes, I used my vocal cords to talk.. It's our last day so let's sleep some more." He spoke while tightening his grip on my waist. I teleported myself and my clothes to my room's bathroom, leaving Saiki in the suite. I check if the girls were sleeping and they were.. I apported my torn clothes and dirty undergarments with new fresh clothes.. I put on my underwear, some black leggings and a (f/c) cropped hoodie. Then I brushed my teeth and hair.

I teleported to where Kusuo's luggage was and checked if everyone was still passed out.. I quickly took a pair of boxers, trousers and a white T-shirt. Teleporting myself where Saiki was, he was still laying in bed sleeping like a toddler. "Oi, get up and get dressed. Me and the others will wait on you downstairs." I threw his clothes at his face and he groaned. "I had sex with you and this is how you treat me?" He yawned and stretched out his arms. I scoffed at his comment.

But then it hit me like a bus.. "Why are you standing there like someone got hit by a roller coaster or something?" "You.. We... I.. Me and you.. Fucked?" I motioned my arms like a crazy scientist trying to prove something. He chuckled at my behavior. "You basically explained the tip of the iceberg." My face suddenly felt hot like it was the sun and I felt something dripping from my nose..

"I'm okay!! Really! Just get ready! Ok?! Ok!" I teleported to my bathroom and locked the doors.. "Huh? This wasn't locked a second ago.." I heard Chiyo's voice.. "Hello? Anyone in there?" She said. 'FUCK FUCK- WHY DID THEY HAVE TO WAKE UP NOW?!' I cursed to myself. "J-just a sec, Chiyo!! I got a sudden nosebleed and forgot to lock the door!" "(y/n)?! When did you get inside?! And where were you last night? You just left with Saiki and never came back! We waited till 2 am for you..!" It was currently 9 am on a Friday. "O-oh? Sorry if I worried you guys! Kusuo and I.. Well, it's a long story, but we're okay now!" "Really?! That's great (y/n)! Are you finished yet? Because I really need to pee!" Teruhashi chimed. I finished washing my face and wiped my face with my towel. I unlocked the door and tripped.. Chiyo, Teruhashi and I fell on the floor while groaning in slight pain. "Are you alright, (y/n)?" Chiyo asked. "Yeah, I was just fine earlier.. Now my legs feel kinda sore.." Chiyo looked at Teruhashi and she did the same.. I was genuinely confused because all their thoughts said were 'you ask.. no you ask' and other random shit. "Why are you looking each other like-" "Haveyouorhaveyounothavethatwithsaiki?!" Chiyo suddenly blurted out. "W-What? Chiyo, please speak slowly.." I knew what she meant but I didn't want to be all cocky and shit, plus I'm flustered. "Have you or have you not had that with Saiki? "W-well.. E-ehm.." I looked away embarrassed. "WITH THE CONDOM OR NOT?!" Teruhashi exclaimed. "How the fuck did you guys figure out anyway?!" I shouted while covering my face. Then Mera said something that made me even more red.. "You tripped, your legs are sore and you didn't cover Saiki's love bites.." She pointed at my collarbone. "Tell usss..!! Everything!" Teru and Chiyo exclaimed.. Boy this was going to be a long morning...

We all went to the elevator and I told them about it... I obviously didn't tell them the details.. We got to the cafeteria and we saw the boys sitting with Saiki. I smiled and waved at them.


HAHA CLIFFHANGER BECAUSE IF I DONT IT WILL BE TOO LONG- I hope you liked this part of the chapter I'm so sorry I didn't update I'm a bitch ik.. But here's part 1 of this chapter I'll make sure to post the second part today... Or not. But we'll see about that lol.. Have a good day/night peeps!! Vote, comment and follow 😊

- Hatsume 

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