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Hey guys. 

Its been quite a while and i was thinking if you wanted me to just rewrite this book?

I just really want to know your opinion, because if you want me to continue the way the story is i'd love to finish it. Life is been going downhill from the past few months and I went to the hospital. Thank you so much for the 18+k views. I really appreciate your support and i laugh at the comments you amazing people write. I don't know how to thank you guys enough. I love this book a lot and I think I have the energy to write again after the school year ends. I'll have a proper posting schedule and I've also been writing on paper the E.J. x reader some of you guys have been requesting. 

Again thank you so much for the love and appreciation you guys gave to this book and I'll be sure to update it.

Love, Hatsu

You can read my MIND?! Saiki Kusuo X Reader (discontinued... [yes again.])Where stories live. Discover now